Widescreen Gaming Forum

C&C Generals Zero Hour : No online gaming if modded fov
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Author:  DarthEnder [ 21 Jun 2006, 15:30 ]
Post subject:  C&C Generals Zero Hour : No online gaming if modded fov

First of all, great job to have found ways to play those games on widescreens.

Now, for the less happy part. I did the mod for C&C gen, work fine in solo but as soon as you want to play online, you can't join any game because the version doesn't match.
Is there a way to make it work anyway ?
I tried adding the modded ini to the .big file, no luck. The game works but the fov is the same.
If anyone knows a way to make it work, i'd appreciate.
Because having bigggggg a$$ units and building is not confortable ^^

Btw, i only play this game because i was bored lol

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