Widescreen Gaming Forum

Help with Half Life 2 res limits on my 3007 dell
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Author:  tommo123 [ 27 Jun 2006, 10:55 ]
Post subject:  Help with Half Life 2 res limits on my 3007 dell

I cant play this game in any res higher than 1920x1200. it wont allow me to select a higher res. oddly CS:source went straight to 2560x1600 and worked fine, vamp masquerade bloodlines plays perfect with the patch but at the mo, i either play HL2 in a window or full screen with borders around :(

i've searched on the solutions forum but cant find a fix there

i downloaded the game via steam if that makes a diff

any one have any advice?

Author:  Ice[DDZ] [ 28 Jun 2006, 00:18 ]
Post subject:  Help with Half Life 2 res limits on my 3007 dell

As for 2560x1600 I'm not sure, but I can switch HL2 into 3840x1200 with no problem. So it WILL go higher than that, why it's doing that I'm not sure.
Hopefully somebody else around here will have a solution. :)

Author:  tommo123 [ 28 Jun 2006, 10:01 ]
Post subject:  Help with Half Life 2 res limits on my 3007 dell

thanks for the reply mate, was thinking it might be my drivers, but i have the latest official nvidia releases and it works fine in other games so am thinking otherwise now.

Author:  Deusfaux [ 28 Jun 2006, 10:10 ]
Post subject:  Help with Half Life 2 res limits on my 3007 dell

never had to do anything special to get it to work.

reinstall game, reinstall drivers. i dunno

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