Widescreen Gaming Forum

CS:Source at 1368x768 ?
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Author:  Veron [ 02 Nov 2006, 18:53 ]
Post subject:  CS:Source at 1368x768 ?

it is possible to run CSS in 1368x768 res?

Author:  McCartneyUK [ 04 Nov 2006, 10:40 ]
Post subject:  CS:Source at 1368x768 ?

hi there . Yes it is. I run CSS @ 1368x768 and it runs great. Just go to your video options (in game) and select Widescreen 16:10 or 16:9 i think. The rez will show up once thats done. Hope i have helped. :lol:

Author:  Veron [ 04 Nov 2006, 19:04 ]
Post subject:  CS:Source at 1368x768 ?

problem is because i have LCDtv and there are no drivers for it, so i need manualy to add res. 1368x768

Author:  BongoTrumman [ 04 Nov 2006, 19:29 ]
Post subject:  CS:Source at 1368x768 ?

All desktop resolutions are available in CS:S. If it isn't availible as a desktop res you can add it yourself:

Nvidia: Add Custom Desktop Resolution
Powerstrip: Add Custom Desktop Resolution

Choose 16:9 in the ratio box and you should see it in the res box, if not
you can specify a res in the launch options with -width xxx and -height xxx

(well I think I remember something like that. Try google.)

Author:  Veron [ 05 Nov 2006, 11:57 ]
Post subject:  CS:Source at 1368x768 ?

i have res. on desktop 1368x768 but there isn't 1368x768 res in css
Choose 16:9 in the ratio box and you should see it in the res box, if not
you can specify a res in the launch options with -width xxx and -height xxx

How do i do that? if you have any link?

btw: powerstriper works in Vista?

Author:  Veron [ 12 Nov 2006, 00:47 ]
Post subject:  CS:Source at 1368x768 ?

ok i got it with powerstrip!

and powerstrip dont work with Vista (final)

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