Widescreen Gaming Forum

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Author:  CGISHACK [ 11 Feb 2007, 18:56 ]
Post subject:  Snapping

yeserday I visited this forum and found sound good info about Halo and Widescreen.

Here is my command line string I ended up using to make Halo work on my pc properly

   "C:Program FilesMicrosoft GamesHalohalo.exe" -use11 -Novideo -vidmode 1280,768,85

I was wondering I anyone had suggestions on some software that would allow me to automatically snap windows to a given area on my screen so I do not have to spend so much time managing my windows.

I have a 22in and I wanted this to I can multi task more.

any ideas ?


Author:  squ1zzy [ 11 Feb 2007, 19:46 ]
Post subject:  Snapping


Author:  CGISHACK [ 11 Feb 2007, 20:12 ]
Post subject:  Snapping

ignore the Halo command line..
It works.

The question is not really related to gaming, but more desktop managment with a wide screen monitor...

Is there software out there that will allow me to snap windows around my desktop ? (like to a grid)

For example.
If I had MSe Excel open and MS Word open at the same time I dont want resize and move these windows all the time.. I though there could be some software that would TILE them for me automatically..

Author:  BongoTrumman [ 11 Feb 2007, 20:46 ]
Post subject:  Snapping

Is there software out there that will allow me to snap windows around my desktop ? (like to a grid)

Download link

Author:  CGISHACK [ 11 Feb 2007, 21:09 ]
Post subject:  Snapping

very cool!


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