Widescreen Gaming Forum

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Author:  NikolaX [ 13 Feb 2007, 19:01 ]
Post subject:  XCOM-TFTD


I know it is old but i just got back 2 playing this strategy gem, and i want it widescreen :)
Is it posible to run dos game(well i have win ver.) in custom res ??


Author:  maherie [ 13 Feb 2007, 21:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: XCOM-TFTD


I know it is old but i just got back 2 playing this strategy gem, and i want it widescreen :)
Is it posible to run dos game(well i have win ver.) in custom res ??


Oh jesus I wish!!!!!! I loved that game and just bought the new afterlight version.... I don't think so though it's a set rez of 800*600

Author:  NikolaX [ 14 Feb 2007, 02:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: XCOM-TFTD


I know it is old but i just got back 2 playing this strategy gem, and i want it widescreen :)
Is it posible to run dos game(well i have win ver.) in custom res ??


Oh jesus I wish!!!!!! I loved that game and just bought the new afterlight version.... I don't think so though it's a set rez of 800*600

Well i just hoped :(
Tell me is Afterlight any good ?? i am buying it now if i get just a fraction of old xcom atmosfer.

p.s. is afterlight out 2 buy, cant find it ?

Author:  maherie [ 14 Feb 2007, 09:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: XCOM-TFTD


I know it is old but i just got back 2 playing this strategy gem, and i want it widescreen :)
Is it posible to run dos game(well i have win ver.) in custom res ??


Oh jesus I wish!!!!!! I loved that game and just bought the new afterlight version.... I don't think so though it's a set rez of 800*600

Well i just hoped :(
Tell me is Afterlight any good ?? i am buying it now if i get just a fraction of old xcom atmosfer.

p.s. is afterlight out 2 buy, cant find it ?

I'm in Ireland and I buy from play.com and it's there.

It went UFO aftermath, UFO aftershock and now UFO afterlight.


Author:  dred [ 01 Mar 2007, 00:25 ]
Post subject:  XCOM-TFTD

Oh i loved that game widescreen would be great! As far as new games UFO aftermath is not bad. i have not tried the newer ones. The good news is we have a xcom clone coming out! and it looks ****en amazing! check the link below. it comes out mid march maybe at the very latest april. I am so picking that up.

UFO: Extraterrestrials

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