Widescreen Gaming Forum

Command and Conquer 3 Tiberium War 1900x1080 help
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Author:  dred [ 01 Mar 2007, 00:30 ]
Post subject:  Command and Conquer 3 Tiberium War 1900x1080 help

Well i got the demo. It shows the proper resolution but everytime i select it the graphics get garbled. My only guess is when i select it in game its raising the refresh rate beyond 60hz. I have 1900x1080 running great on the desktop.

Has anyone else been able to get that specific resolution to work?


Oh btw i am using a WestingHouse 47w1 LCD for this. All other games such as oblivion etc seem to run 1900x1080 fine.

Author:  CCC [ 01 Mar 2007, 17:43 ]
Post subject:  Command and Conquer 3 Tiberium War 1900x1080 help

the demo works fine for me at 1920x1080 and im using the westy 37".. not really sure why yours isnt working... what video card?? newest drivers??

Author:  dred [ 02 Mar 2007, 03:18 ]
Post subject:  Command and Conquer 3 Tiberium War 1900x1080 help

ya you know for some reason when i selected it the menu graphics would go to garbage. i just tried now and it worked like a charm. My only guess is that this LCD i have doesn't always switch resolutions properly.

for example when booting up into bios everything is garbage cause the LCD can't seem to output the low res properly. when windows loaded it still looked like garbage but when i powered off the tv and powered it back on. the 1920x1080 windows desktop looked fine.

i am using two Nvidia 7900GTX in SLI with the 97.92 drivers.
I am using a 47' Westy with firmware 1.05

In any case it seems to be working now and looks amazing. thanks for the reply.

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