Widescreen Gaming Forum

Resolutions not appearing in DVI...
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Author:  ForeStorm [ 07 Apr 2007, 07:09 ]
Post subject:  Resolutions not appearing in DVI...

...but they do in VGA. I'm sure this is around here somewhere, but I can't find it (and/or am blind).

The game specifically is Titan Quest. I was playing it at 1280x768 before finding that the other cable that came with my monitor was a DVI cable (I thought it was HDMI...). Anyway, so I connect the DVI and use it, and things look sharper in non-native resolutions. But... Now, instead of there being 1280x768 and 1280x800 in the resolution options specifically for this game, I only get 1600x900 and 1680x1050 as widescreen resolutions. But when I connect both adapters and enable cloned monitors in my 7600's drivers, I can use the use the DVI as the source yet get the VGA resolutions previously unavailable with just the DVI.

Does anyone know what caused this? I don't get it. Does it have something to do with the digital signal of the DVI over the analogue of the VGA?

Author:  Apple [ 07 Apr 2007, 15:43 ]
Post subject:  Resolutions not appearing in DVI...


Have a read of that man. With DVI alot of resolutions seem to go missing so you have to force them. :)

Author:  ForeStorm [ 07 Apr 2007, 16:41 ]
Post subject:  Resolutions not appearing in DVI...

Oh weird. I had tried adding custom resolutions of 1280x768/800, yet left the timings automatic. I clicked through to give them manual timings, saw that my NGQ drivers gave me a different panel, and left thinking I'd look at it later. I tried adding the above resolutions and WHAM. There they go.

But they wouldn't work earlier. ><

Yay. Thanks, I suppose. :)

Author:  Apple [ 08 Apr 2007, 04:11 ]
Post subject:  Resolutions not appearing in DVI...

No problem. :)

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