Widescreen Gaming Forum

How to fix Red Faction HUD?
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Author:  Ayepecks [ 09 May 2007, 00:19 ]
Post subject:  How to fix Red Faction HUD?

First of all, Red Faction looks amazing in widescreen... but I'm trying to run it at 1440 x 900 and you can't even see the HUD. Well, actually you can, but it's all bunched up in the upper lefthand corner of my screen.

I've been looking for ways to mod the HUD, but I can't find out how to do it. Does anyone know?

Author:  Ayepecks [ 27 May 2007, 00:00 ]
Post subject:  How to fix Red Faction HUD?

Just going to bump this once to see if anyone knows...

Author:  Abram [ 27 May 2007, 04:31 ]
Post subject:  How to fix Red Faction HUD?

Can we get a screenshot?

Author:  Ayepecks [ 31 May 2007, 03:31 ]
Post subject:  How to fix Red Faction HUD?

Sure, here we go...

1440 x 900 (slightly large file size ~ 800kb)

Top left is what I'm referring to.

Author:  ThE_MarD [ 08 Aug 2009, 05:34 ]
Post subject:  How to fix Red Faction HUD?


Now, Red Faction just got released on steam for free as part of the "pre-order Red Faction Guerilla, get Red Faction 1 & 2 free"

So I thought I would post in here how to get Red Faction 1 WITH awesome widescreen with correct hud, and even work amazing on the latest hardware (I had graphics corruption on my nVidia 8800GT)

Pure Faction. Yep. Two words. Some fans of the game rebuilt the game engine without the source code to support widescreen and latest vidcards, and some good glitch fixes for mp even.. great stuff! I'm amazed they didn't package it into steam tbh.


Automatic Map Downloader
When you try to join a server running a map you don't have, Pure Faction gives you the option to automatically download and install it without closing your game. The map server has 1662 maps in the database.

New In Game Graphical User Interface (GUI)
Pressing F1 in game pops up a menu allowing you to use your mouse to select the desired action.

First Person Spectate
From the GUI you can click on Spectate, then select a player from the list to view the game through their eyes.

Super Lazyban
You can use the GUI to Kick or Ban players just by clicking on their names.

New Scoreboard
A new scoreboard showing players kills and deaths, along with giving mappers the recognition they deserve. More statistics will be added to the scoreboard with updates.

Resolution Fixes
Play the game at any resolution you please with a working HUD. The game will no longer crash if you take a screenshot at high resolutions. You can also play in windowed mode or a fullscreen mode which allows you to alt tab, minimize, maximize (NOTE: For this mode you should set your game resolution to half that of your screen resolution for optimum visuals). Widescreen resolutions are now fully supported (set it using the PFLauncher).

Graphics Card Compatibility
You can now play on any modern NVIDIA graphics card without a garbled screen.

Pure Faction will always keep itself up to date. You do not even need to close your server or client and the game will update itself. This feature allows me to update the program very easily, and there will be frequent updates.

Mouse changes
Mouse lag has been reduced by at least 8.5ms, the dual monitor bug has been fixed, and mouse precision has been improved (NOTE: you will be able to go back to the old style of aiming in an upcoming update). As with the old Pure Faction, you can set your mouse sensitivity very precisely with the ms command in console (for example type "ms 0.055")

Server statistics
The server now keeps detailed statistics on players, and players can view some of these by typing statsme in chat. This will be greatly advanced with updates coming over the next few weeks.

Glitch fixes
Almost every weapon glitch in the game has been fixed serverside (e.g. invisible bullets, using batton to fire free bullets, etc). Infinite ammo hacks such as "Myth", and rapid fire mods are also blocked serverside. Wall peeking, and the speed bug are also blocked.

Security fixes
There are dozens of security fixes in Pure Faction, both client and serverside. Dozens of netcode based exploits such as renaming other players are also blocked. Players with unkickable or multi line names are automatically renamed.

And much more..
Some features have been temporarily disabled, as they are not quite finished, and there are many other small changes and fixes, some of which I will add information about later.

They also did a few minor fixes since the 2.0 release but this is the main stuff that counts. ;)

Btw.. the game is VERT- even with Pure Faction.

Here is an InGame screenies with the hud acting proper:


Author:  StingingVelvet [ 12 Sep 2009, 06:39 ]
Post subject:  How to fix Red Faction HUD?

Just did the Red Faction deal and I appreciate this post... thanks. We should update the confirmed solution thread.

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