Widescreen Gaming Forum

OBSCURE 2 @ 1680X1050 Widescreen 16:10 ?
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Author:  ScorpionMaster [ 24 Sep 2007, 22:26 ]
Post subject:  OBSCURE 2 @ 1680X1050 Widescreen 16:10 ?

Hello Everyone

Is there a way to play Obscure 2 with 1680 x 1050 16:10 resolution ?????????

The maximum I can configure is 1280 x 1024.

Its strange because first one had native widescreen resolutions.

Please Help

Thanks In Advance

Scorpion Master : [email protected]

Author:  Ice[DDZ] [ 24 Sep 2007, 22:55 ]
Post subject:  OBSCURE 2 @ 1680X1050 Widescreen 16:10 ?

This game isn't out in the US as far as I know? If it is I'll go buy it NOW... Before it disappears forever into... Yeah.

Perhaps a UK release?

Author:  MemphiS [ 18 Apr 2013, 19:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: OBSCURE 2 @ 1680X1050 Widescreen 16:10 ?

You can change the Resolution and the Apect Ratio in the Registry (regedit).
Start Registry (regedit)

1. Edit=>Find...

2. search for "VideoResolution"

3. Modify to your resolution (in HEX) e.g. 1600x900 is "6400384" or 1680x1050 is "690041a"

[1600 = 640 ; x = 0 ; 900 = 384 => 1600x900 = 6400384] (in calculator as in 01:49 )

6. Enjoy :D

You can use my Regfile for the game aswell:
Its configured for 1680x1050 (16:10) but you need to change paths in the regfile for your configuration.

Dropbox LINK

Author:  Mechanical.Paladin [ 02 Mar 2015, 19:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: OBSCURE 2 @ 1680X1050 Widescreen 16:10 ?

The registry address is actually

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