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 Post subject: Sims 2 Big Problem ?
PostPosted: 12 Feb 2008, 18:35 

Joined: 12 Feb 2008, 18:30
Posts: 2

I've the Sims 2 (and Academy + Nightlife extensions) and my config is this one :
Core 2 Duo E6300
2 Go RAM
Widescreen 20.1" Monitor (1680*1050).

But, doing what is explained on this site, i can't play in this resolution, only on 1360*1024 max.

I modified the graphicrules file in the Nightlife directory and in /res/config and /res/CSconfig directory.

I think, it's a problem, linked with my Graphic card which is not welle detected or my CPU. I think this also because can't modify the shadow parameters. This is the Sims 2 log about my config :

Log generated on 2/12/2008, 18:01

=== Application info ===
Name: The Sims 2 Nightlife
Build: ReleaseSRT
=== Machine info ===
OS version: Windows NT 6.0
CPU: 2612.399902Mhz, Name:GenuineIntel, FPU:1, MMX:1
Memory: 2048MB
Free memory: 972MB
User: Truc
Computer: CHAMBRE
=== Sound device info ===
Name: Unknown
Driver: Unknown
=== Graphics device info ===
Number: 0
Name (driver): Radeon X1950 Pro
Name (database): Radeon X1950 Pro <>
Vendor: ATI
Chipset: Vendor: 1002, Device: 7280, Board: 07621462, Chipset:

Driver: atiumdag.dll, Version:, GUID: D7B71EE2-

Driver version: 549
Monitor: .DISPLAY1
Monitor aspect: 1.602702, <>
Screen mode: 1680x1050x32BPP,60Hz
Texture memory: 1024MB
HW T&L: Fixed function:1 Programmable:3.0
Pixel program: 3.0
Texture stages: 8
AppControlledAA: 1

Global properties
uintProp propertyRevision 6
boolProp allowCustomContent true
boolProp animationLOD false
uintProp antialiasingQuality 3
boolProp autoCentering true
boolProp autoLogin false
boolProp bumpMapping false
boolProp checkForPatch true
boolProp constrainFloorElevation true
uintProp cutawayMemorySize 3
boolProp cutawayOutside true
boolProp disableCustomObjects true
boolProp displayCustomObjectInfo true
boolProp displayLookAtBoxes false
boolProp displayPaths false
boolProp deviceVsynch true
uintProp dynamicRenderStrategy 0
boolProp edgeScrolling true
floatProp horzedgescrollrate 0,5
floatProp vertedgescrollrate 0,5
uintProp effectPriorityLevel 3
stringProp lastLoadedNeighborhood Veronaville
boolProp freeWill true
floatProp geomBoneInfluenceThreshold 0,01
boolProp geomCheckGeomDataIntegrity false
uintProp geomGenerateTangentSpaceNormalLines 0
boolProp geomGenerateTangentSpaceSxT false
floatProp geomGeneratedTangentSpaceNormalLineLength 0,1
uintProp geomMaxBoneInfluencesPerVertex 4
sintProp geomMaxMorphTargetDeltasPerVertex 4
floatProp geomMorphTargetDeltaThreshold 0,001
floatProp geomPerBoneBoundBlendWeightThreshold 0,9
boolProp guob true
boolProp interrupt false
boolProp lightOpenGLStyle false
uintProp lightingQuality 3
boolProp livePIP true
boolProp lotInfoAdvancedMode false
stringProp lotWindowFillColor (0,0,0,1)
uintProp maxParticlesTarget 10000
uintProp maxTerrainGrade 5
boolProp morph true
stringProp neighborhoodWindowFillColor (0.5,0.5,0.5,1)
boolProp noStupidIFFUnlocking false
boolProp optimizeMeshes true
floatProp particleDamping 0
floatProp particleDensity 1
uintProp particleLODOffset 0
floatProp particleScale 1
floatProp particleSizeThreshold 1
boolProp quickTips true
boolProp reduceBoneWeights false
boolProp renderOpaqueUI false
boolProp reflectionWithExtraViewer false
boolProp rotateCameraSims1Mode false
boolProp nhoodWaterReflection false
boolProp renderInsideObjectOnlyOnSelectedSimLevel true
uintProp renderInsideVisibleObjects 1
boolProp renderSelectedSimLevel false
boolProp sleepInBackground true
boolProp simInBackground false
boolProp simShadows true
boolProp snapObjectsToGrid true
uintProp soundDetail 2
boolProp specHighlights true
boolProp unevenTilesFloorable true
boolProp useEffects true
boolProp useLODs false
uintProp snapshotPictureQuality 3
uintProp snapshotPictureSize 3
boolProp usePixelAspectRatio false
uintProp videoCaptureMaxRecordingSeconds 60
uintProp videoCaptureQuality 1
uintProp videoCaptureSize 3
boolProp videoCaptureAudioOn true
boolProp CameraDriftCamEnabled true
boolProp CameraSpecialEventEnabled true
boolProp ShowLotPackageFilename false
boolProp SoundMasterGroupVoxEnabled true
boolProp SoundMasterGroupFXEnabled true
boolProp SoundMasterGroupMusicEnabled true
boolProp SoundMasterGroupAmbienceEnabled true
uintProp FXVolume 100
uintProp VOXVolume 100
uintProp AmbienceVolume 100
uintProp MusicVolume 100
floatProp tvVolume 0,5
uintProp AudioPerformance 1
boolProp ShowTutorialWelcome true
boolProp NoLegacySounds true
boolProp liveCameraConstraints true
uintProp edithConfigFlags 0
uintProp copiedShippedDataToUserDataFolder 7
boolProp enableLotImpostersInLot true
boolProp enableNeighborhoodOccupantsInLot true
uintProp lotSkirtSizeIncrease 9
uintProp neighborhoodPropFadeDistance 50
boolProp clickableLotImposters true
stringProp activeDeviceList 1;0;Radeon X1950

Pro;1002;7280;549;, GUID: D7B71EE2-31C0-11CF-F775-

stringProp activeDeviceDisplayMode 1280x800x32x60
boolProp activeDeviceUseSoftwareRasterizer false
uintProp optionMaterialDetail 3
uintProp optionObjectDetail 3
uintProp optionObjectHiding 1
uintProp optionShadows 1
uintProp optionOpaqueUI 0
uintProp optionReflection 1
uintProp optionEffectsQuality 3
uintProp optionLightingQuality 3
uintProp optionSoundQuality 3
sintProp activeDeviceNum 0
uintProp optionEnableLotImpostersInLot 1
uintProp optionEnableNeighborhoodOccupantsInLot 1
uintProp optionLotSkirtSizeIncrease 0
boolProp perfAddLights true
boolProp perfRenderParts true
boolProp perfLightCaching true
boolProp perfEnableSkinning true
boolProp perfEnableMorphing true
uintProp lodOverride 0
boolProp effectLODSoftChange true
floatProp effectMaxTimeDelta 0
boolProp enableSnapshot true
boolProp creatingLotTemplate false

Device 0

uintProp MaterialDetail 3 #default: 2
uintProp ObjectDetail 3 #default: 3
uintProp ObjectHiding 1 #default: 1
uintProp Shadows 1 #default: 2
uintProp OpaqueUI 0 #default: 0
uintProp Reflection 1 #default: 0
uintProp EffectsQuality 3 #default: 2
uintProp LightingQuality 3 #default: 2
uintProp SoundQuality 3 #default: 2
uintProp DirtyRect 2 #default: 2
uintProp FullscreenFadeEffect 1 #default: 1
uintProp Turbo 2 #default: 2
uintProp SimulatorControls 2 #default: 2
uintProp LightingOptimizations 3 #default: 3
uintProp AnimationSamplingLevel 2 #default: 2
uintProp LivePIP 1 #default: 1
uintProp SpecialEventCamera 1 #default: 1
uintProp ScreenModeResolution 3 #default: 3
uintProp SubjectTracking 2 #default: 2
uintProp EnableLotImpostersInLot 1 #default: 1
uintProp EnableNeighborhoodOccupantsInLot 1 #default: 1
uintProp LotSkirtSizeIncrease 0 #default: 0

Option properties
boolProp bumpMapping true
uintProp imageDataSizeReductionOnLoad 0
boolProp reduceBoneWeights false
boolProp useLODs false
uintProp lodOverride 0
uintProp renderInsideVisibleObjects 1
boolProp simShadows false
boolProp objectShadows false
boolProp guob false
boolProp heightMapShadows false
boolProp renderOpaqueUI false
boolProp reflectionWithExtraViewer true
boolProp nhoodWaterReflection true
boolProp useEffects true
uintProp maxParticlesTarget 10000
uintProp particleLODOffset 0
uintProp effectPriorityLevel 3
floatProp particleDensity 1
floatProp particleScale 1
boolProp lightingEnabled true
boolProp portalLighting true
boolProp floorAndWallNormalMapping true
boolProp specHighlights true
uintProp AudioPerformance 2
uintProp dynamicRenderStrategy 2
boolProp enableSnapshot true
boolProp useTurboRect true
uintProp maxNumOfVisitingSims 4
boolProp optimizedDiffusion true
boolProp incrementalLighting true
boolProp lerpLights true
boolProp useDirtyTiles true
boolProp animationFrameSampling false
boolProp livePIPDefault true
boolProp chooseCameraSpecialEventEnabled true
uintProp maxResWidth 1600
uintProp maxResHeight 1200
uintProp defaultResWidth 1024
uintProp defaultResHeight 768
floatProp centerTrackingDeadZoneMagnitude 30
boolProp enableLotImpostersInLot true
boolProp enableNeighborhoodOccupantsInLot true
uintProp lotSkirtSizeIncrease 5
uintProp optionMaterialDetail 3
uintProp optionObjectDetail 3
uintProp optionObjectHiding 1
uintProp optionShadows 1
uintProp optionOpaqueUI 0
uintProp optionReflection 1
uintProp optionEffectsQuality 3
uintProp optionLightingQuality 3
uintProp optionSoundQuality 3
uintProp optionDirtyRect 2
uintProp optionFullscreenFadeEffect 1
uintProp optionTurbo 2
uintProp optionSimulatorControls 2
uintProp optionLightingOptimizations 3
uintProp optionAnimationSamplingLevel 2
uintProp optionLivePIP 1
uintProp optionSpecialEventCamera 1
uintProp optionScreenModeResolution 3
uintProp optionSubjectTracking 2
uintProp optionEnableLotImpostersInLot 1
uintProp optionEnableNeighborhoodOccupantsInLot 1
uintProp optionLotSkirtSizeIncrease 0
sintProp activeDeviceNum 0

Device properties
boolProp useRenderTextures true
uintProp antialiasingSupport 1
boolProp enableDriverMemoryManager false
boolProp vs2LoopsFunctional false
boolProp presentWorkaround true
boolProp enumerateMultisampleLevels true
uintProp deviceLocalVideoMemorySizeDefault 1073741824
boolProp activeDeviceUseSoftwareRasterizer false
uintProp configParserErrorCode 0

Is there any way to force some parameters ? Another thing to play in this resolution ?

Thanks !

P.S. : imy PC is running under vista.
P.P.S. Sorry, I apologize my english, i'm french...


 Post subject: Sims 2 Big Problem ?
PostPosted: 13 Feb 2008, 15:13 

Joined: 12 Feb 2008, 18:30
Posts: 2
I managed. I had to modify the log file in my documents (config not well detected) and then, to modify the graphicrules file in Config and CSConfig in Nightlife directory.

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