Widescreen Gaming Forum

Questions concering: StarWars: Kotor 1 with UniWS
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Author:  Zanatar [ 14 Mar 2008, 20:24 ]
Post subject:  Questions concering: StarWars: Kotor 1 with UniWS

Hello everyone,

I am not sure if I am posting this in the correct forum. If not, please advise.

First off I am very very much a beginner with editing files and so forth. This is all a bit too advanced for me. But I've been trying to figure out what to do and for the life of me, I am just not sure what to do.

I'm referring to Tanuki's "Knights of the Old Republic: Detailed Report" post, found here: [url]http://www.widescreengamingforum.com/node/8450]

Following the instructions in that post, I have downloaded and patched my SW:Kotor exe file using UniWS. I selected 1680x1050 with the 1280x1024 interface.

So far this is all great since UniWS does all the work. But as Tanuki say's in his post, it only does the first 2 steps and does not do Step 3. This step gets all the pre-rendered movies into your desired widescreen resolution.

Here's where I get lost. I have no clue how to do this part. Even following his examples. I have downloaded a freeware Hex editor called "XVI32" , but I just don't know anything about this stuff.

I have no clue how to locate and change it for my 1680x1050 res.

Could someone possible help me out, preferably with a step by step process?

Thank you,

Author:  Tanuki [ 17 Mar 2008, 01:14 ]
Post subject:  Questions concering: StarWars: Kotor 1 with UniWS

8002 => 640
9006 => 1680

E001 => 480
1A04 => 1050

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