Widescreen Gaming Forum

Need help with "Gun" registry edit.
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Author:  barfingjake [ 16 Apr 2008, 12:13 ]
Post subject:  Need help with "Gun" registry edit.

I did the solution for Gun on here, and it didn't work. When I edit the registry to 1680x1050, it just reverts back to 640x480 when the game starts.

Am I doing something wrong? Help would be greatly appreciated.

Author:  123justin321 [ 16 May 2010, 11:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: Need help with "Gun" registry edit.

Stone me to death for reviving this thread if you want, but as I face exactly the same problem as above, I'll just write in here instead of creating a new thread.

I'm trying to set 1680x1050 as the game resolution. Someone reported it to work by changing a registry entry.
(See here -> http://www.widescreengamingforum.com/node/5872

However, this method is not working for me, as soon as I start the game, the resolution is reverted back to 640x480.

Any suggestions?

Author:  scavvenjahh [ 16 May 2010, 17:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Need help with "Gun" registry edit.

Are there multiple executables in the game folder ? If the game has some sort of launcher, it might be best to start the game through the "real" exe so that no registry values are reset...

Author:  123justin321 [ 16 May 2010, 19:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: Need help with "Gun" registry edit.

Negative, no launcher or anything similar, just a single executable called "gun.exe".

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