Widescreen Gaming Forum

How is 16:9 support these days ?
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Author:  snowdog [ 02 Feb 2009, 19:37 ]
Post subject:  How is 16:9 support these days ?

I want to buy a new monitor but the only cheap 24'' I have found is 16:9, am I likely to expect any issues for this aspect ratio or do all games who can be turned to 16:10 also turned to 16:9 easily ? Is 1920x1080 supported fine by games? And 1280x720 (for the games who run poor on 1080p) ?

I really want to buy a new screen now but going 16:10 means spending more on a monitor with much less features than the 16:9 I have in mind...

Author:  The_cranky_hermit [ 03 Feb 2009, 02:05 ]
Post subject:  How is 16:9 support these days ?

Of the 87 games we've DR'd since 2007:
80 support both 720p and 1080p
6 support 1080p but not 720p
1 does not support either (I-Fluid)

Author:  snowdog [ 03 Feb 2009, 23:15 ]
Post subject:  How is 16:9 support these days ?

Thanks, I'm expecting my 16:9 screen in 2 days.
1920x1080 gaming instead of 1280x1024, mmmmm :).

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