Widescreen Gaming Forum

Tron Evolution
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Author:  blackpill [ 08 May 2011, 14:15 ]
Post subject:  Tron Evolution

This game (at least in my PC) only goes 4:3 and 5:4.

To get the desired res...

-Go to "DocumentsDisney Interactive StudiosTron EvolutionUnrealEngine3GridGameConfig"

-There open the "gridengine.ini" file.

-Look for ResX and ResY under [SystemSettings] and put your desired resolution; here...

Saddly, this wide fix is Vert-.






Author:  Gungoose360 [ 27 Feb 2016, 16:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: Tron Evolution

But how do u get it to render across 3 diff orientation displays like mine?
I have tried several times to enter my custom res of 4180 x 1440p @144Hz. It always defaults the res to 720 x 1280 because of the GFWL overlay maybe? I dont know but it was the same with Halo 2 (PC), i couldnt play the game in UWS, only 1080p in 3D Vision.

Author:  scavvenjahh [ 29 Feb 2016, 12:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: Tron Evolution

I'm not familiar with either PLP or 3DVision but I don't recall any UDK game refusing to run at any resolution because of GFWL...
Can you set the game to run in a 1920x1080 window, then edit the ini to resize it to 2560x1080, then to 3840x1080 ? What happens at each step ?

Incidentally blackpill's ini screenshot is misleading: you need to change the values under [SystemSettings]... not [SystemSettingsEditor] !

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