A few days ago I bought the Call of Duty: War Chest (COD 1, 2, United Offensive), both 1 and 2 play fine on this slimline and an 11" ACER laptop but on this slimline EVERY time I boot up UO I get:
I've tried English (native language), French and Italian, non work. On the laptop it always crashes so I can't even boot up. System Specs:
Current specs:
CPU: AMD Athlon 3800+ (dual core) @ 2 GHZ
RAM: DDR2 - 3 GB
Vram: 128 MB
Monitor: Acer @ ~22 Inches - Support ONLY VGA & DVI - and a resolution of about 1650x1080 (or something like that). It's also a widescreen.
GPU: Nvidia gForce 6150 LE (I think)
Misc: This computer is a HP slimline (s7700n)