Widescreen Gaming Forum

Strike Fighters 2 series FOV issue
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Author:  petertheelf [ 15 Apr 2012, 19:37 ]
Post subject:  Strike Fighters 2 series FOV issue

Does anyone know where the FOV setting can be found in the "Strike Fighters 2" games? Their predecessor, the "Wings Over (insert name of theater here)" were pretty obvious, but they will only run on 32 bit, DX 10 and are pretty much obsolete now. They run fine on Nvidia Surround, but one has the sensation of your nose touching the windscreen.

Author:  The_Nephilim [ 16 Apr 2012, 14:59 ]
Post subject:  Hi I am after the same as you

Hi I am after the same as you I was talking to a friend and he said they are in the Planes Ini file and would have to be extracted with some program.. I have posted on the 3rd Wire forums but TK keeps insisting it looks fine????

But as you and I see it is too close to the HUD, I had posted a pic of FC2 and there F15 and how that looks but TK has yet to respond to my post :(

Next time I see my frien I will ask him how we can change the FOV and IF I find out I will report back what to do..

Author:  petertheelf [ 17 Apr 2012, 20:26 ]
Post subject:  Progress so far

Hi Nephilim - This is what I have so far:

1. Go to this page: http://combatace.com/files/file/12744-sf-2-series-march-2012-tools-kit/ ...and download the tools kit which includes the extractor. Install it.
2. Run the extractor program and point it to flightdata.cat which is in the main install directory (not the mods directory)
3. Extract the viewlist.ini file and it will appear in a folder called "extracted files" which will appear in the mods folder.
4. Copy it into the "flight" directory of the particular version of the game in your mods directory For example, the path to my flight folder for the Vietnam version looks like this:
C:UsersPeterSaved GamesThirdWireStrikeFighters2 VietnamFlight

The theory is, change the values in the viewlist.ini, using notepad, then save it, then start the game and, in theory, we should see nice big wide sreen views and not a gunsight taking up most of the midle screen and not much else to see. The only problem for me is that despite changing the values, I am still not seeing an appreciable difference. There are two pages you might want to look at for advice on what to do with the viewlist values. The first one is


and also


He's using eyeinfinity, but I would imagine the same viewlist settings would work. For your convenience I have extracted the viewlist file for you and attached it here. Just drop it into your flight folder (make one if it does not exist) and then start experimenting. if you get a working set of values, let me know.

Attached files VIEWLIST.zip (2.8 KB)

Author:  petertheelf [ 27 Apr 2012, 12:44 ]
Post subject:  Still no Luck

I have fiddled around with the values in the viewlist.ini file and had no luck at all in changing the FOV of the game. I think I must be doing something wrong but for the life of me can't figure out what. If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know.

Author:  petertheelf [ 17 May 2013, 06:00 ]
Post subject:  SOLVED : Strike Fighters 2 series FOV issue

Open Viewlist.ini,
Goto ViewClass2,
Change OffsetDistance=0.06 To OffsetDistance=-.175, or -.180 (you can increase this in small increments.)

This is not ideal as on some models the rear panel of the cockpit will obscure view, but the game is now playable in the main. :D

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