I found the FOV addresses, and it
appears to work fine..
Here's how it is normally (stretch):
https://i.imgur.com/z2dYNog.pngUltrawide hack:
https://i.imgur.com/L2p6BGK.jpgBut the problem is that it still culls anything outside the 4:3 aspect ratio. (FOV/Aspect ratio exaggerated to make it more obvious)
https://i.imgur.com/ggId07y.pngI tried hex-editing the exe by replacing all instances of AB AA AA 3F (4:3) with 8E E3 18 40 (21:9)
http://www.wsgf.org/article/common-hex-values but that had no effect.
If someone could fix this it would be a nearly perfect hack. (besides the stretched HUD)
I provided the cheat table as an attachment.
Values for Horizontal FOV:
3F80 (4:3) = Default
3F60 (16:10) = 16:10(?)
3F40 (16:9) = Widescreen
3F00 (21:9) = Ultrawide
File comment: Cheat table
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