Widescreen Gaming Forum

Shrek 2: Team Action at 60FPS?
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Author:  Senior Senpai [ 01 Apr 2019, 18:34 ]
Post subject:  Shrek 2: Team Action at 60FPS?

Greetings. I know this forum is dedicated mainly to widescreen hacks and such, but I imagine you might be able to help. Contrary to common belief, Shrek 2 Team Action does not have its gameplay locked to 38FPS, if you play it in windowed mode or force Vsync on, gameplay will run at 60FPS, no speed up or anything. However, there is a catch; the game's built in frame limiter (or would it be Vsync?) randomly decides to kick back on, and will stay at 38FPS unless you trigger another cutscene, and even then there's no guarantee it will stay on for long. Here is video proof of the game running at 60FPS.


So I imagine that hex editing the exe to disable the FPS limiter outright will fix the problem. And yes, I've played the game with a variety of settings, lowest screen resolution, lowest draw distance, no shadows or AA, or even the opposite will let you play at 60FPS, and still randomly kick back to 38FPS. Is there anyone that can help? I would really appreciate it.

Also, somewhat relevant; the widescreen report page for this game claims that you must edit offset 12D490 for the horizontal resolution, when this value is located at the offset directly below, at 12D4A0. I figure this may clear up any potential confusion.

Author:  jackfuste [ 02 Apr 2019, 23:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: Shrek 2: Team Action at 60FPS?

Senior Senpai wrote:
So I imagine that hex editing the exe to disable the FPS limiter outright will fix the problem.

Unlocked FPS:
7C 46 83 F9 06 7D 41 => 7C 00 83 F9 06 7D 00

~62 FPS lock:
D8 1D BC F8 5B 00 DF E0 F6 C4 41 0F 85 E4 00 00 00 D9 05 24 52 5E 00 D8 25 B0 F6 5B 00 D9 15 24 52 5E 00 D8 1D BC F8 5B 00 DF E0 F6 C4 05 0F 8A C1 00 00 00
D8 1D 74 F8 5B 00 DF E0 F6 C4 41 0F 85 E4 00 00 00 D9 05 24 52 5E 00 D8 25 B0 F6 5B 00 D9 15 24 52 5E 00 D8 1D 74 F8 5B 00 DF E0 F6 C4 05 E9 C2 00 00 00 90

Author:  Senior Senpai [ 03 Apr 2019, 04:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: Shrek 2: Team Action at 60FPS?

That is incredible, thank you so much for your help Jack! The game is so smooth now, it's unbelievable! It comes with a few caveats, but limiting FPS to around 60 makes it more tolerable. The issues are that Fiona's time stop ability last for less time the higher the FPS and the camera moves faster under the player's control, so there are likely others. It does improve loading significantly, since the menu is no longer locked at 38FPS. Thanks again man!

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