Widescreen Gaming Forum

Pilot Down: Behind Enemy Lines is it possible widescreen?
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Author:  vekio [ 12 Apr 2019, 21:55 ]
Post subject:  Pilot Down: Behind Enemy Lines is it possible widescreen?

Hello everyone.

Pilot Down Behind Enemy Lines is an interestingly executed action game with stealth and role-playing elements. This is one of my childhood game. I was 13 when I played in it. I guess it's not very well known game today but maybe it will be possible to solve some problems on modern computers.
The game is launched via the PDLauncher_e file. There are a few available resolutions as 640 x 480, 800 x 600, 1024 x 768 and 1600 x1200. As you can see there is no possibility to choose widescreen resolution like 1920 x 1080 or 2560 x1440. The game is also closed at 33 fps so on today's computers it's a bit annoying.
In the game folder there is a file options.wiv which you can open with a sa notepad++. There something like:

32bit 1

Resolution is here. The number 3 means 1600 x 1200. The attempt to change to number 4 means starting the game in 800 x 600.

Author:  stranno [ 13 Apr 2019, 18:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: Pilot Down: Behind Enemy Lines is it possible widescreen

http://www.wsgf.org/forums/viewtopic.ph ... 4&p=172177

You can change the resolution that way. But i havent found the value for FOV.

Author:  vekio [ 14 Apr 2019, 00:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: Pilot Down: Behind Enemy Lines is it possible widescreen

Thanks. Could you tell me what value is in hex editor? I know that in some exe files from games, value can be AB AA AA 3F for 4:3 and if we change to 39 8E E3 3F we get widescreen resolution.
In hex editor whcich I use XVI32 I didn't found value AB AA AA 3F in BEL.exe (I just I have a message ''Strings not found) and also in the game launcher PDLauncher_e.
From what I read from your post, FOV is vert-. Sometimes in TPP game a small cut on the screen is not a big problem a problem, although it's best to have hor +.

Author:  stranno [ 14 Apr 2019, 15:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: Pilot Down: Behind Enemy Lines is it possible widescreen

Dont look for hex values, just search for "-res" in launcher's text-string.

Author:  vekio [ 14 Apr 2019, 22:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: Pilot Down: Behind Enemy Lines is it possible widescreen

Thanks mate. I couldn't find "-res" in text strings, but I open the game launcher in notepad++ and find it resolutions. The game is vert- but I think FOV is acceptable but it would be better to have hor +. The HUD is streched.
I updated this game in database. This partly cartoon graphics looks really nice in 4K.


Still hope that someone unlock fps and make the game hor+

Author:  vekio [ 12 May 2019, 14:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: Pilot Down: Behind Enemy Lines is it possible widescreen

I found an interesting video. It looks like this guy play in widescreen with Hor+. Rather, he is no longer active on Youtube so he will not reveal the secret how he managed to change FOV.


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