Widescreen Gaming Forum

Supreme Commander 2
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Author:  Skid [ 07 Mar 2010, 15:41 ]
Post subject:  Supreme Commander 2

Well here is the video I promised, I'll make a better one, my recording software for some reason refused to start recording while the game was running, so I had to use a trial version of fraps.


Processing done, the 1080p version encoded better then I expected.

Author:  Skid [ 07 Mar 2010, 18:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: Supreme Commander 2

Screenshots, I only realised after I change there file type that I've not got any of the strategic view.

[Admin Edit - Images moved to Gallery.]

I got a bunch more movie clips as well but I don't feel like editing them together atm, not sure how I want to edit them together, and I really need to find a music track to play over the top of them.

Author:  Skid [ 09 Mar 2010, 01:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: Supreme Commander 2

OK finished the campaign so here is the last 9 screen shots.

[Admin Edit - Images Moved to Gallery.]

So thats 22MBs worth of images, lets see how quickly that along with all my other images eats up my 100GB bandwidth this month :D

Author:  spammeister [ 11 Mar 2010, 16:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: Supreme Commander 2

I like how when zoomed out to the max, the map doesn't magically end, it just kind of goes on, albiet with little detail. The cliffhanger after the end credits was a welcome addition, although not totally suprising.

Author:  Skid [ 11 Mar 2010, 16:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Supreme Commander 2

I like how when zoomed out to the max, the map doesn't magically end, it just kind of goes on, albiet with little detail. The cliffhanger after the end credits was a welcome addition, although not totally suprising.

Supreme Commander always ends its games with a cliff hanger, in fact the cliff hanger after Forged Alliance is still unresolved, IE the Seraphim AI was never completely destroyed.

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