This is a known issue with ATI cards using different ports - DVI+DVI+DP.
I recently did some googleing myself on this. I will try my best to sum it up.
The bottom line is this:
If all ports on the ATI cards were DVI there would be no tearing.
Conversly, if all the ports on the ATI cards were DP there would likewise be no tearing.
The problem is, ATI is forcing us comsumers to combine two DVI plus one DP in order to use triplehead and this combination somehow produces the tearing.
From what I learned ATI/AMD is aware of the problem, but is unlikely to ever fix it.
Also, from what I read, ATI could probably fix the issue with a driver update.
Now a few more details:
There are 3 possible combinations of tearing -
If your primary monitor is running off your DP, then both side monitors will produce tearing.
If either of the side monitors is DP, then only one side or the other will display tearing.
Some experts on threads I read mentioned some technical proof on the how and why is does this, but I cannot remember the details at this moment...
So, until ATI gets off their tushies and deals with it, you will always get some tearing with a multi-head video card with two types of video ports.
I am no expert, and my memory sucks, but that's the best I can recall. If I can find the forums I found this info on, I will try to update this post later.