Widescreen Gaming Forum

HD 5770 enough for eyefinity?
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Author:  chineseleper [ 24 Oct 2009, 11:36 ]
Post subject:  HD 5770 enough for eyefinity?


just wanted to know if L4D would be playable at 3x1680x1050 with a hd5770? lowest/highest/average fps maybe?


Author:  BHawthorne [ 24 Oct 2009, 13:54 ]
Post subject:  HD 5770 enough for eyefinity?

No idea about L4D, but any 5000-series is the minimum for EyeFinity. Looks by the port configuration that they mandated universal adoption across the 5000-series cards for EyeFinity. Considering triple-head has been around since the days of the Geforce 6800GT and people were doing triple-head then, one would think that any 5000-series card would do ok in a large segment of pre-existing game titles.

Author:  suiken_2mieu [ 24 Oct 2009, 14:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: HD 5770 enough for eyefinity?

The 5770 is slightly better than the 4870, I use a 4870 and can run L4D at 4320x900 pretty well, so i think you'll be okay.

Author:  alxnet2003 [ 24 Oct 2009, 20:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: HD 5770 enough for eyefinity?


just wanted to know if L4D would be playable at 3x1680x1050 with a hd5770? lowest/highest/average fps maybe?


Shouldn't be a problem as long as you lower certain graphical settings. 5770's aren't shabby.

Author:  ViciousXUSMC [ 25 Oct 2009, 07:41 ]
Post subject:  HD 5770 enough for eyefinity?

I think it would make it but probably not maxed out with good frames if your using 24's or 30's

It definitly would not leave you with room to grow for more demanding games, so its probably not a good investment if your really interested in eyefinity.

If your going to get 3 monitors and want to do this I would get atleast the 5850.

Author:  chineseleper [ 25 Oct 2009, 13:57 ]
Post subject:  HD 5770 enough for eyefinity?

thanks for the replies, I already own 3x20' screens and I currently use a hd2600xt with 256 mb with xpress 1250 (sourround view) to run all 3 with dvi. playing with 3 is of course impossible (12 fps with softth), but because this solution isn't working properly in Win7, I wanted to spend €200 to upgrade, so a 5850 + adapter is pretty much out of my budget.

So I guess I'll be waiting for a adapter to be available in Germany and then I can buy the 5770 + adapter.

Author:  MustangSVT [ 25 Oct 2009, 17:14 ]
Post subject:  HD 5770 enough for eyefinity?

I can run L4D at 5040x1050 on my PC (see signature) and it runs pretty well. I run with all the detail settings at highest, no AA, 16x AF. I would say though that the 5850 is a better investment, it would probably be about 50% faster or so.

Author:  geniv2 [ 26 Oct 2009, 03:33 ]
Post subject:  HD 5770 enough for eyefinity?

Considering triple-head has been around since the days of the Geforce 6800GT and people were doing triple-head then,

Triplehead have been around since the days of Super Mario Brothers 1986


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