Widescreen Gaming Forum

Catalyst 10.1 + EyeFinity
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Author:  magoo25 [ 13 Feb 2010, 15:09 ]
Post subject:  Catalyst 10.1 + EyeFinity

Simple question: do the Cat 10.1 drivers support CrossfireX + EyeFinity???

I haven't seen this spelled out anywhere, even in the ATI release notes.

Author:  magoo25 [ 13 Feb 2010, 21:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: Catalyst 10.1 + EyeFinity

come on already, somebody has to know the answer........

if not, am I correct in assuming the only driver set WITH CrossfireX support is the 9.12 Hotfix???

Author:  Adrift [ 13 Feb 2010, 23:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: Catalyst 10.1 + EyeFinity

Anyone know why there is such a performance hit in games when using these drivers? In Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Beta, My FPS goes from 35 Min, 50 Avg, 80 Max, to with 10.1/10.1 HF 20min, 30avg, 50 max. It's a pretty sizeable performance hit. It would almost seem as if crossfire in Eyefinity gets disabled?

Rig specs:
PhenomII X4 965BE @ 3.81Ghz
ATI HD 5970 @ 900/1150 (5760x1200)
8Gb Corsair Dominator DDR3 1600
Asus Crosshair III Formula m/b

Edit= Previous drivers were 9.12 HF

Author:  magoo25 [ 14 Feb 2010, 03:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: Catalyst 10.1 + EyeFinity

I would assume that the performance is crappy because, as I suspect, there is no Crossfire support in the 10.1 Catalyst.

For the life of me I cannot understand why a new driver release doesn't carry the prior month's improvements.

This is the thing I cannot stand about ATI's drivers......you just never know what to expect, and the release notes are no help.

I don't understand why ATI just can't list what's there or isn't in this case.

Author:  Adrift [ 15 Feb 2010, 02:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: Catalyst 10.1 + EyeFinity

I just wish we could get an answer from either a ATI rep (cough) or someone with knowledge on these drivers, if this is indeed the case.

Author:  iThinman [ 16 Feb 2010, 21:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: Catalyst 10.1 + EyeFinity

10.2 tomorrow? From Twitter:

RT @Ascendor : @CatalystMaker So when will Cat 10.2 be released? Remember it's a short month... ;-) ME on the (((15X2)+10)/4)+7) th
14 mins ago from TwInbox

Pleaseeee let CF+EF work together correctly

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