Widescreen Gaming Forum

Bezel Managment...
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Author:  Phoenixdancer [ 10 Mar 2010, 19:14 ]
Post subject:  Bezel Managment...

hey all.

Got the Cat10.3 betas installed.

Cant fond the thing to add bezel managemnt anywhere!!!!

All my Screens are 24" 1920x1200

Exact same sized pannels

Please help me out

Author:  hunuok [ 10 Mar 2010, 19:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bezel Managment...

Hey there,

Go to CCC>graphics>desktop and displays>click on "configure" (black triangle on display group)>display group>configure bezel compensation

Good luck.

Author:  Phoenixdancer [ 10 Mar 2010, 21:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bezel Managment...

Its not there for me :(

I have 3 diffrent model Montitors, this be the issue?

Author:  Flamin Joe [ 11 Mar 2010, 12:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bezel Managment...

Its not there for me :(

I have 3 diffrent model Montitors, this be the issue?

Yes that appears to be the case. :(


Author:  Phoenixdancer [ 12 Mar 2010, 12:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bezel Managment...

Come on guys!

This is the Widescreen gameing forum!!!!!!!

We can find a solution!

*i nearly killed my monitor editing the EDID... soo i wont do that myself again lol*

Author:  Ceogar [ 12 Mar 2010, 13:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bezel Managment...

Come on guys!

This is the Widescreen gameing forum!!!!!!!

We can find a solution!

*i nearly killed my monitor editing the EDID... soo i wont do that myself again lol*

Yeah im in the same situation, got 1 BenQ 24 and two BenQ 22 and i dont really dare to edit EDID but i guess i will have to =(

Author:  thatdude90210 [ 12 Mar 2010, 18:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bezel Managment...

*i nearly killed my monitor editing the EDID... soo i wont do that myself again lol*

Heh, me too.

I really hope ATI remove the restriction in 10.3 release, if not then at least a quick hotfix that removes it. I know I took the risk, but someone out there is going to mess up their monitor and they are going to blame ATI for it.

It's a major feature. And locking some people out of it, causing them to take a risky route just seems counter productive to me.

Author:  bleco [ 13 Mar 2010, 17:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bezel Managment...

... just wait for the official release ...

Those available drivers are not even supported ... How could Ati be blamed of anything in regards of those 'obscur' drivers...

Some with identical screens are having the same issue, some with different screens are able to use the new fonction properly, others not including myself ...

We are not even supposed to be able to download these 'beta' drivers ....

We just need to be patient I guess...


Author:  magoo25 [ 14 Mar 2010, 17:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bezel Managment...

hey all.

Got the Cat10.3 betas installed.

Cant fond the thing to add bezel managemnt anywhere!!!!

All my Screens are 24" 1920x1200

Exact same sized pannels

Please help me out

Here's what I did to make mine work.....and it works like a dream.....no editing needed of EDID.
Download the 10.3 beta.
Remove your current Catalyst driver in add/remove
Restart in SafeMode
Go into My Computer and remove any files you can find that have anything to do with ATI.
Now run DriverCleaner a couple of times.
Restart and install the 10.3 Preview, you should get the bezel compensation pop-up just after you create the EyeFinity group profile.

I have two Dell 2408 and one Dell 2410 and am using W7 Professional x64.

Author:  fatlazyhomer [ 15 Mar 2010, 08:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bezel Managment...

[quote]hey all.

Got the Cat10.3 betas installed.

Cant fond the thing to add bezel managemnt anywhere!!!!

All my Screens are 24" 1920x1200

Exact same sized pannels

Please help me out

Here's what I did to make mine work.....and it works like a dream.....no editing needed of EDID.
Download the 10.3 beta.
Remove your current Catalyst driver in add/remove
Restart in SafeMode
Go into My Computer and remove any files you can find that have anything to do with ATI.
Now run DriverCleaner a couple of times.
Restart and install the 10.3 Preview, you should get the bezel compensation pop-up just after you create the EyeFinity group profile.

I have two Dell 2408 and one Dell 2410 and am using W7 Professional x64.

Interesting. Did this work for anyone else?

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