Widescreen Gaming Forum

Older (racing) game support
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Author:  do0g [ 11 Mar 2010, 01:27 ]
Post subject:  Older (racing) game support

Hi guys, I'm thinking of making the switch to Eyefinity (I'm a TH2GO owner) but I play a lot of older racing games and can't seem to find anything about Eyefinity compatibility with them.

I read a post somewhere that stated that the number of games Eyefinity supported was restricted - is that true, or is it as compatibile with older games as the TH2GO is?

I play (amongst others)
Richard Burns Rally
Grand Prix Legends
GT Legends
GTR series

Thanks for any help!

Author:  bleco [ 11 Mar 2010, 19:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: Older (racing) game support

The only one I can't confirm is Grand prix legends but I am pretty sure it's working fine.
All the others are working fine with eyefinity, I have tested them all...


Author:  KryptoNyte [ 12 Mar 2010, 10:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: Older (racing) game support

If the games work with TH2go, then I would think they would also work with Eyefinity. The only one I've really had some serious problems with is GTL - the copy protection system that installs with the DVD takes Windows 7 to it's knees, and required a complete reinstall (not an Eyefinity problem). RBR requires Camhack and some fiddling, and some of the replay cut-scenes still don't show in their proper aspect ratio, but ...


Author:  geniv2 [ 13 Mar 2010, 05:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: Older (racing) game support

pretty much all the games that can run in matrox triplehead will run in eyefinity

the only problem is that Eyefinity REQUIRES windows Vista or Windows 7 to work.

not a "eyefinity problem" but some older games just don't run on Vista/Win7
I had this problem with several games. but I would say a good 95% of games run in Win7 fine.

Author:  do0g [ 15 Mar 2010, 17:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: Older (racing) game support

Thanks guys, I appreciate all the info. I reckon I'll be grabbing a 5870 within the next few weeks - can't wait!

If the games work with TH2go, then I would think they would also work with Eyefinity. The only one I've really had some serious problems with is GTL - the copy protection system that installs with the DVD takes Windows 7 to it's knees, and required a complete reinstall (not an Eyefinity problem). RBR requires Camhack and some fiddling, and some of the replay cut-scenes still don't show in their proper aspect ratio, but ...


Mate, you are absolutely flying there! Nice driving!

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