Widescreen Gaming Forum

Is there a turorial for the widescreen fixer program?
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Author:  Urlacher54 [ 22 May 2010, 20:04 ]
Post subject:  Is there a turorial for the widescreen fixer program?

Hey guys!! I've just hooked up my 3 Dell monitors and I am blown away with the ATI Eyefinity gaming!!! BFBC2 is setup and looks amazing.

I also have COD:World At War and COD:Modern Warfare 2 which I need the widescreen fixer program.

I have no idea how to use it for both games.

Just curious how I get the ball rolling on playing these with ATI Eyefinity.

Great site by the way.

Any help would be much appreciated.

I still can't believe Eyefinity.....it totally kicks ASses!!


Author:  Abram [ 23 May 2010, 12:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: Is there a turorial for the widescreen fixer program?


Start the fix, select the game, select your screen setup. Click 'Settings' to view and.or change the hotkey to enable. Start your game. Once playing, hit that hotkey. Perhaps you aren't using the correct game version .dll's. See http://wsf.imk.cx/ for them and save them to the same folder as the fix.

Of course, mke sure your games are usign the Eyefintiy resolution, d'oy.

Author:  Urlacher54 [ 23 May 2010, 13:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: Is there a turorial for the widescreen fixer program?

Thanks Abram.....

I have the fixer program and these files all in a folder on my desktop:

Call of Duty: World at War MP v1.0.0.0 5.43KB 2010 January 13, 21:55:30 EST
Call of Duty: World at War SP v1.0.0.0 5.22KB 2010 January 13, 21:55:31 EST
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 MP v1.0.0.0 5.39KB 2010 May 20, 12:50:20 EDT
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 SP v1.0.0.0 4.37KB 2010 January 13, 21:55:31 EST

The fixer program I am using is the beta version

I'm not sure what I am suppose to do with FOV Calculator? Asks for a source and aspect ratio!!! I'm using 3X16:9

I have the hotkey as control. I launched the game in multiplayer but when I hit control.....the fix doesn't kick in!!!!

Is there something I am doing wrong?

Thanks for your time. Cheers

Author:  suiken_2mieu [ 23 May 2010, 20:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Is there a turorial for the widescreen fixer program?


Extract Widescreenfixer with winrar or 7-zip into it's own folder.
Next extract all the .dll modules for the game you want to you.

Double click Widescreen Fixer.exe

Choose the Game you want to use under main in the options section.
Choose the aspect ratio of your monitors.

Go to Settings, then under hotkey, set one.
---Click on the box to the right of "Alt"
---Press the key you want to use (I personally u " or as it comes up "OemQuotes")

You don't need to you the FOV Calc unless, you have a game where you need to manually input the FOV.

Now open up the game, when it starts, press the hotkey until the Fixer has it's fix enabled.
If this doesn't work, your game may be out of date, or the fixer may be out of date. Either way, make sure the versions line up.

Author:  Urlacher54 [ 23 May 2010, 22:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: Is there a turorial for the widescreen fixer program?

Suiken_2mieu you are da man bro!!!!

I've got it working thanks to you!!! Your response to my thread is greatly appreciated.

When I try to leave game, it seems I can move my cursor but none of the options are active when I put the cursor over any of the options.

I have to minimize the game and close it down that way....smalll thing but at least the game is working nicely thanks to you.

Thanks so much.


Author:  suiken_2mieu [ 23 May 2010, 22:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: Is there a turorial for the widescreen fixer program?

Suiken_2mieu you are da man bro!!!!

I've got it working thanks to you!!! Your response to my thread is greatly appreciated.

When I try to leave game, it seems I can move my cursor but none of the options are active when I put the cursor over any of the options.

I have to minimize the game and close it down that way....smalll thing but at least the game is working nicely thanks to you.

Thanks so much.


You've got to use the "Enter" or "Return" Key to select things in menu. Or use arrow keys to select things in menu. It's just how the hack works.

Author:  Urlacher54 [ 24 May 2010, 02:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: Is there a turorial for the widescreen fixer program?

Again you are a wealth of knowledge Suiken_2mieu. Appreciate your time and effort to help me out.


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