Widescreen Gaming Forum

ATI 10.6 Beta Drivers for Those Interested
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Author:  Dyre Straits [ 09 Jun 2010, 06:15 ]
Post subject:  ATI 10.6 Beta Drivers for Those Interested

A user over at Rage3D posted these earlier this evening. I'm giving them a trial run and they're working very well so far. If any of you are interested in trying these, I can confirm that they ARE 10.6 drivers but not the final/official release.

Be sure to look for your own Windows flavor:


Author:  tepescovir [ 09 Jun 2010, 16:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: ATI 10.6 Beta Drivers for Those Interested

no windows 7 yet for the latest release

Author:  dmanna [ 09 Jun 2010, 18:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: ATI 10.6 Beta Drivers for Those Interested

i wonder if these drivers will finally solve the blinking issue with the active display port adapter.

Author:  MEAHT [ 09 Jun 2010, 18:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: ATI 10.6 Beta Drivers for Those Interested

i wonder if these drivers will finally solve the blinking issue with the active display port adapter.

The issue is not with the drivers, its the active displayport adapter.
Try this:

Not a single flicker yet!

Author:  dmanna [ 09 Jun 2010, 23:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: ATI 10.6 Beta Drivers for Those Interested

[quote]i wonder if these drivers will finally solve the blinking issue with the active display port adapter.

The issue is not with the drivers, its the active displayport adapter.
Try this:

Not a single flicker yet!

well if its not the drivers then why does catalyst 10.3 work perfect for me? I am 99.99% positive its within ati/amd's power to put something in there drivers that elimates blinking. 10.3 works, 10.4 and 10.5 both have blinking issues with active dp adapters.

Author:  Dyre Straits [ 10 Jun 2010, 04:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: ATI 10.6 Beta Drivers for Those Interested

no windows 7 yet for the latest release

There are versions there. I did get the Windows Vista/7 x64 drivers. You just have to look for them.

Once you find your version, click the Floppy Disk Icon to download.

Author:  suiken_2mieu [ 10 Jun 2010, 04:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: ATI 10.6 Beta Drivers for Those Interested

Can someone confirm 5x1 Portrait?

Author:  noquarter [ 10 Jun 2010, 10:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: ATI 10.6 Beta Drivers for Those Interested

[quote][quote]i wonder if these drivers will finally solve the blinking issue with the active display port adapter.

The issue is not with the drivers, its the active displayport adapter.
Try this:

Not a single flicker yet!

well if its not the drivers then why does catalyst 10.3 work perfect for me? I am 99.99% positive its within ati/amd's power to put something in there drivers that elimates blinking. 10.3 works, 10.4 and 10.5 both have blinking issues with active dp adapters.

I know this is veering off-topic but on [H] forums another user posted the same thing - blinking in all driver versions except 10.3. Convinced him to try a different adapter, he did, and blinking was fixed. I believe the problem is a combination of both loose timings in the drivers and poor lenience in the adapter, if you swap adapters you may get one with better compatibility.

Author:  Squalish [ 10 Jun 2010, 10:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: ATI 10.6 Beta Drivers for Those Interested

This is somewhat confusing. I take it that what was "posted earlier today" was the May 27 file, but what is the difference between the 10.6 entries?

- Version 10.6 (8.741) Beta2 -
May 27 2010
2000/XP files 100MB, Vista/Seven files unavailable

- Version 10.6 (8.740) WHQL -
May 17 2010
64bit files 250MB, 32bit files 110MB

- Version 10.6 (8.740) WHQL -
April 6 2010
All files 250MB

Author:  Squalish [ 10 Jun 2010, 10:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: ATI 10.6 Beta Drivers for Those Interested

Also, this:
Can someone confirm 5x1 Portrait?

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