Widescreen Gaming Forum

U2410 Screen dimensions and mounting options?
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Author:  tivotechie [ 12 Jun 2010, 17:44 ]
Post subject:  U2410 Screen dimensions and mounting options?

Anybody know the physical dimensions of the Dell U2410 screen without the stand attached?

Also, can anybody recommend a good mounting solution for 5x1 Portrait?

Are there any multi-monitor mounting solutions that allow an easy swap from portrait to landscape for some of the monitors?

Author:  l88bastard [ 13 Jun 2010, 21:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: U2410 Screen dimensions and mounting options?

Anybody know the physical dimensions of the Dell U2410 screen without the stand attached?

Also, can anybody recommend a good mounting solution for 5x1 Portrait?

Are there any multi-monitor mounting solutions that allow an easy swap from portrait to landscape for some of the monitors?

14-1/2" HIGH AND 22" WIDE, dunno about 5x1 stands, but Ergotech makes a great 3x1 stand

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