Widescreen Gaming Forum

DP-->VGA adapter impressions (switching from ACCELL DP->DVI)
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Author:  magnet699 [ 13 Aug 2010, 05:39 ]
Post subject:  DP-->VGA adapter impressions (switching from ACCELL DP->DVI)

Hi guys.
I was getting so frustrated with the accell dp-->dvi dongle that I decided to return it and order the sapphire dp-->VGA adapter.
First of all, this works much, much better than the accell adapter. I am so far very happy with my setup.
I have three HANNS.G 24 in monitors running at 1080P each or 5760 x 1080 as a group.
So far, the monitor connected to the dp-->vga adapter has NOT once blanked out on me when loading up games or changing resolutions. No flickering either.
Quality-wise, honestly I could not tell the difference in quality between the VGA monitor and the other two connected via DVI. I was originally a little worried I might notice a difference, but really, it looks great. (could that be because the monitor has a dedicated VGA port?)

Anyways, now to the bad stuff ( there is one :)
When I leave my monitors to sleep, sometimes the monitor connected to the adapter will not come back from sleep. Compared with the accell adapter ( which was happening every single time), it is really not a major thing.
The work-around for this is to log off and then back on, or simply play with the resolutions and the monitor will pop right back up.
I would like to hear some comments from other people who are using this dongle... Are you also having the sleeping issue? Are you happy with it as well?
Thanks for reading.

Author:  Dyre Straits [ 13 Aug 2010, 07:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: DP-->VGA adapter impressions (switching from ACCELL DP->DVI)

I went down the same road that you did with the ACCELL DP-DVI adapter and was totally pulling my hair out with frustration.

The only major difference between us is that I opted for the Monster-brand DP-VGA adapter and haven't looked back since. And, like you, I cannot tell any significant difference between the IQ between the DVI vs. VGA connection. I even posted three photos I took of each screen individually and, so far, no one has guessed which one is the VGA. ;)

As for the screen not coming back from Standby: Just hit the CTRL-ALT-DEL key [the ones to bring up Task Manager] and then Close. That'll do it without all the hassle. ;)

Enjoy your new setup!

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