Widescreen Gaming Forum

No 10.8 post, really?
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Author:  TheUnk [ 26 Aug 2010, 13:07 ]
Post subject:  No 10.8 post, really?

" Performance has been greatly improved for users running with ATI Eyefinity on a
Quad ATI CrossFireX™ configuration "

Are you guys on vacation or what? =p

Author:  johnnyvd [ 26 Aug 2010, 13:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: No 10.8 post, really?

" Performance has been greatly improved for users running with ATI Eyefinity on a
Quad ATI CrossFireX™ configuration "

Are you guys on vacation or what? =p

Wahaa! Just what i was waiting for. So the Quad ATI CrossFireX™ performance is even more improved than 10.7a then? :mrgreen:

Author:  doublejj0305 [ 26 Aug 2010, 14:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: No 10.8 post, really?

Still no 5x1 portrait, WTF!!!

Author:  Abram [ 26 Aug 2010, 14:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: No 10.8 post, really?

...and a claim that cursor corruption on extended setups has been fixed. I've become quite used to them, but it'd still be nice to see it gone. Finally. I've been using 10.8 for a few hours, and have not seen it occur.. yet.

But i still have to load extended profiles twice for the display to arrange properly. It's been that way since 9.x, whatever was out in December. If someone has an extra 5870 sitting around, I'd be more than happy to test the Xfire issues.:)

The release notes: http://www2.ati.com/relnotes/catalyst_108_release_notes.pdf

Author:  Gilly [ 26 Aug 2010, 20:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: No 10.8 post, really?

From what I saw over at HardOCP the crossfire performance in AVP was actually worse. Way to go!


Author:  Tamlin [ 27 Aug 2010, 09:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: No 10.8 post, really?

From what I saw over at HardOCP the crossfire performance in AVP was actually worse. Way to go!


The profile didn't come in the release it seems. :)

Here's an updated with performance increase from [H]:

Seems there is a huge increase in several games in crossfire!

Author:  ghallion [ 27 Aug 2010, 11:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: No 10.8 post, really?

...and a claim that cursor corruption on extended setups has been fixed. I've become quite used to them, but it'd still be nice to see it gone. Finally. I've been using 10.8 for a few hours, and have not seen it occur.. yet.

The release notes: http://www2.ati.com/relnotes/catalyst_108_release_notes.pdf

I am very happy with the update, the cursor bug was pretty annoying and I am very happy that it is fixed. With 10.7 the bug appeared very rarely but still it was there. Thanks again to the team that steadily fixes the smaller or bigger annoyances and makes the eyefinity experience as smooth as possible.

Author:  Gilly [ 27 Aug 2010, 17:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: No 10.8 post, really?

[quote]From what I saw over at HardOCP the crossfire performance in AVP was actually worse. Way to go!


The profile didn't come in the release it seems. :)

Here's an updated with performance increase from [H]:

Seems there is a huge increase in several games in crossfire!

I just read that now actually and came straight here to update my post actually :P :P :P

Author:  Sservis [ 27 Aug 2010, 18:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: No 10.8 post, really?

I noticed the cursor bug in 10.8 (HIS 5870 Eyefinity 6, uninstall 10.6 + DriverSweeper). It went away mostly on it's own however.

When I was sliding between monitors it disappeared on my one display. When I went to turn pointer trails on, the cursor reappeared the moment I opened the Start menu. It appears to still get corrupted, but there's now a fix in place occasionally.

Author:  ghallion [ 27 Aug 2010, 23:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: No 10.8 post, really?

Oh well, the bug is still here after all, so I guess the mention of fixing it in the release notes is just wishful thinking....

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