Widescreen Gaming Forum

Eyefinity won't work
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Author:  adventureluck [ 05 Nov 2010, 16:54 ]
Post subject:  Eyefinity won't work

Hello, I recently bought three vw224u 22inch asus monitors. Neither the displayport to vga, or the active displayport to single link dvi allows me to create eyefinity. I go to the group to do a 3x1 and all it does is absolutely nothing. It just leaves me with 3 duplicated displays. The recommended resolution comes up at 5544 x 1050 though I can't change to that. These monitors are all 1680x1050 native. It should be 5040x1050. I dunno where its getting that idea that the resolution should be higher. Any ideas? I just spent a ton of money, as well as lots of time with ATI tech support, and I'm not anywhere with getting a crossfire setup to work.

Author:  suiken_2mieu [ 07 Nov 2010, 22:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: Eyefinity won't work

Well the recommended resolution is the bezel compensated resolution. Though this i weird to say the least.

Follow these directions, maybe it'll work.

Disable the group you have.
Then disable all but one display.
Open Catalyst up and duplicate all 3 displays.
Then create the group.
It should automatically switch over to 5040x1050 after you are done. (Or the bezel compensated resolution.)

Now if you issues with the adapter no letting you use higher resolutions then 640x480 then power cycle it.

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