Widescreen Gaming Forum

Enable/Disable CrossfireX + 3x1 Eyefninity Produces Different Results
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Author:  Dyre Straits [ 21 Sep 2011, 12:47 ]
Post subject:  Enable/Disable CrossfireX + 3x1 Eyefninity Produces Different Results

I've been using 3x1 Eyefinity on three identical ViewSonic 24-inch LCDs for over a year now. I've gone from a HD 5770 to HD 6870s. Presently, I'm connecting two displays via DVI and one using a Sapphire active Dual-Link MiniDP->DVI adapter. It's not 100% stable but, when it's working it seems to work well. If it loses sync, I just have to unplug the USB power and reconnect it to get things back up again.

With just one HD 6870, I've been able to play Alpha Protocol and Mafia II without any problems. Also, the same goes for Deus Ex: Human Revolution.

But, if I enable CFx with AP and Mafia II, the view gets so zoomed in it's impossible to even begin trying to play. As soon as I disable CFx, the games are again playable.

With DE:HR, like others have reported, if I enable CFx, the HUD gets scattered to the nether regions. Disable CFx and the HUD is properly located on the center screen.

Has anyone found out just why CFx makes such a huge difference in the way games appear? It feels that I've wasted a lot of money on hardware that is getting no use whatsoever for the purpose it was acquired.

Author:  Master39 [ 21 Sep 2011, 16:34 ]
Post subject:  I have same

I have same problem:


Author:  Dyre Straits [ 22 Sep 2011, 05:51 ]
Post subject:  My problem goes way beyond

My problem goes way beyond just the HUD getting messed up. As mentioned above, if I enable CFx in Alpha Protocol and Mafia II, I get a HUGELY zoomed in view....

With CFx DISABLED, I get this...

Author:  Dyre Straits [ 30 Sep 2011, 08:20 ]
Post subject:  I hope I'm not speaking up

I hope I'm not speaking up too soon! But, for whatever reason, it seems that the problem I've been having now for months ... and with various drivers ... is now fixed!

EDIT: I SPOKE TOO SOON!!! After leaving the computer for a while, I came back, started up the game and.... SAME OLD PROBLEM!!!

Scratch everything you read below

I'm not even sure as to what exactly made the difference, either, because there's only one thing I've done since installing the latest 11.10 Preview drivers:

I've changed the layout of my monitors.

Previously, the monitors, when showing in CCC, were not lined up in a numerical sequence. That didn't seem to be an issue since CCC allows for re-arranging the monitors once you get them all enabled. So, I'd just enable them, arrange them, accept the arrangement and move on.

So, tonight, I decided to take note as to how the monitors were recognized and in what sequence. The major change I made was to move my DP-connected monitor to the far right and then make the far left monitor my Preferred display. So, now, when seen in CCC the lahout is 3-2-1....with 3 being Preferred.

After doing this, and making NO OTHER changes, I started up Alpha Protocol..and also Mafia II...and they BOTH are now playing in the proper playing view.

It's hard to fathom, but, if this really IS what has caused my problems, then it appears that having Eyefinity built off the DP-connected monitor may have been the source of the problem. I'm not about to revert to the previous setp to check it out since I've been able to start the games, exit them, and then start them up again with proper playing view.

If anything changes, though, I'll update this thread.

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