Widescreen Gaming Forum

before I go and buy stuff :(
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Author:  pingu666 [ 02 Oct 2011, 21:20 ]
Post subject:  before I go and buy stuff :(

Having some annoying issues with my eyefinity setup, Its abit ghetto as ive got 3 different monitors, but heres the issue I got

main display is a 120hz benq 23.6", righthand side on is a 24" 1920x1200, lefthand side is a 22"


the leftside monitor has hdmi and vga only, and wont work with a dp > active dvi > hdmi adapter (dont know why...)

the rightside wont scale to 1920x1080 properly when on the dp > dvi adapter, sorta stretches virticaly, so part of the picture is offscreen :(

I can get it working fairly nice if I have
benq on dp > (but then im locked into 60hz whatever) 24" and 22" on the dvi

Im thinking of getting a dp to vga adapter, or a dp to dvi thatll do 120hz. or get another monitor second hand :/

can I just get any dp > vga adapter and have it work ?, that would be the cheapest option...

Author:  pingu666 [ 02 Oct 2011, 22:01 ]
Post subject:  http://avcables.ecrater.co.uk

http://avcables.ecrater.co.uk/p/6800006/mini-displayport-to-vga-cable-adapter heres the cheapest adapter ive found :x

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