Widescreen Gaming Forum

3x3 4k panels with Eyefinity
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Author:  balistix [ 04 Mar 2015, 10:47 ]
Post subject:  3x3 4k panels with Eyefinity

Hey guys, I'm really new to eyefinity, I've tried googling but most people only talk about 6 or 12 panels (1080p). I'm wondering if its possible to run 3 by 3 panels with 4k resolution using either w7100 x 3 or w9100 x1 and w7100 x1 . Thanks a lot.

Author:  Profiled [ 07 Mar 2015, 12:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: 3x3 4k panels with Eyefinity

Yes. 6x Displayport what u need. See here.


Author:  Suedenim [ 07 Mar 2015, 20:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: 3x3 4k panels with Eyefinity

For gaming right ;)

Author:  Delphium [ 08 Mar 2015, 01:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: 3x3 4k panels with Eyefinity

Please be aware that Eyefinity is only able to group up to 6 monitors in a 3x2 configuration.
If you wished to create a Single Large Surface across all 3x3 displays then you would need to use a video wall controller.

You could create a group of 6 and another 3 additional monitors, I am unsure if you can use a group of 6 and a group of 3 across 2 cards.

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