Widescreen Gaming Forum

Screen tearing with Eyefinity with SIMILAR interfaces
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Author:  posilepton [ 11 Apr 2016, 04:19 ]
Post subject:  Screen tearing with Eyefinity with SIMILAR interfaces

I've had this persistent problem across both of my AMD cards in which my rightmost monitor has a very obvious horizontal screen tear.

My setup includes :
2x Samsung B2440
1x Samsung BX2440

So they're pretty much the same screens with the BX2440 being the LED variant which I have set up in the middle. Each of them is connected using exact same DVI to DP cables to my R9 Nano. I have the latest drivers installed (16.4.1) with Crimson so there should not be any software problems. I have tried the same setup with my older card, a 6870, and it shares the same problem although that setup included 2 DVI to DVI and 1 DVI to DP which I initially thought was the problem. However now that I have a cutting edge card with 3 DP, shouldn't this be fixed?

Author:  Haldi [ 11 Apr 2016, 08:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: Screen tearing with Eyefinity with SIMILAR interfaces

If you physically switch the left and right monitor.
Does is still show up? On the same monitor?

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Author:  posilepton [ 13 Apr 2016, 12:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: Screen tearing with Eyefinity with SIMILAR interfaces

Yeah I've tried swapping around the cables and it only appears on the right most monitor. I can guarantee it's not a monitor fault though because the monitor works perfectly when in a single monitor setup.

Author:  Haldi [ 15 Apr 2016, 15:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: Screen tearing with Eyefinity with SIMILAR interfaces

So it appears always on the right monitor in an eyefinity Setup.
Either delete whole windows and reinstall from scratch or file a bug report form with AMD.

Gesendet von meinem LENNY2 mit Tapatalk

Author:  posilepton [ 16 Apr 2016, 09:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Screen tearing with Eyefinity with SIMILAR interfaces

This issue is on a completely new build though, reinstalling Windows shouldn't change a thing. Considering the R9 Nano is pretty much identical to a Fury, this should be an anomaly unless no one uses eyefinity with the top tier AMD cards right?

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