DB93, you god, thanks for the breakthrough.
The solution works for me. Building on DB93's work I can get, across 3 widescreens, the following working fine:
* The main panel centred on the middle screen.
* Utility panels (Radio Stack, throttle, etc.) sized and positioned where I want them. Unlike DB93 these where not fine for me by default but required manual attention.
* The 3D window (I'm referring to the view of the scenery when using 2D panels, not Virtual Cockpit view) fully stretched by default (Initially I too had the 3D window reduced to almost half the screen when opening the main panel).
* The crazy/hourglass cursor and 7-8 fps penalty is gone. At least so long as I do not open up a panel that hasn't yet had a fix applied to it. If I press a panel button, and the panel doesn't appear anywhere, then this shows the fix has not been properly applied.
* The above in either Full Screen or Windowed Mode.
I have:
* FSX with the Acceleration Expansion Pack. So I have, therefore, Flight Simulator X Service Pack 2. FSX version 10.0.6137.0 (FSX-XPack. 20070926_1421)
* XP pro 32 bit. SP 3.
* Nvidia 182.50 drivers for my NVIDIA GTX 260.
* TH2GD Firmware: 2.3.30t6.56; Matrox Powerdesk 2.05.
* Resolution of 5040 x 1050 @ 57Hz
Here is the thing's I've learnt, recapping and building upon DB93s breakthrough, using the default Boeing 737-800:
For detailed information about panel.cfg
See the Microsoft Flight Simulator X SDK (Software Development Kit):
1. C:Program FilesMicrosoft GamesMicrosoft Flight Simulator X SDKSDKfsxsdk.chm
2. SimObject Creation Kit > Panels and Gauges SDK > Panel Configuration Files.
Correct the main panel
This remains the main fix that solves the major issue. I was really suprised that this solved the crazy/hourglass cursor issue instantly. That makes both 2D view *and* virtual cockpit view usable. To repeat DB93s tip ...
* In your panel.cfg
# Under [window00], which is usually the main panel, change the change the x value of window_size to 0.333. Eg:
window_size= 1.000, 1.000
window_size= 0.333, 1.000
If "window_size=" doesn't exist add it. Either way you want something like "window-size=0.333, 1.000" where the first value is having the effect of reducing the width of the main panel by a third.
# Comment out the following line, if it exists. If it doesn't exist, you don't have to commment it out. Comment out:
window_pos= 0.000, 0.120
by changing it to:
// window_pos= 0.000, 0.120
To ensure your panel.cfg edits take effect
Edit: Changes to this section: Reorder steps; additional instructions for the sake of being explicit.
1. Turn off AI traffic.
So to ensure your aircraft is reloaded from disk, you must also go to the Settings Screen, choose Traffic, and set the Air Traffic Density slider all the way to the left to 0%.
2. Also delete any default flight you may have saved.
Go to My DocumentsFlight Simulator X Files and delete the revelant *.FLT, *.FSSAVE, and *.WX files. I deleted all my saved flights to be sure. These files hold panel position, and other states of affairs, that may override some of the changes you make to panel.cfg. Later on you can use this fact to your advantage.
3. Reboot flight sim.
Thereafter reloading the aircraft will pick up changes from panel.cfg.
4. You must reload the aircraft every time you wish edits from panel.cfg to take effect. To reload the aircraft from within FS, when I'm flying, in either windowed or fullscreen mode:
A. Hit alt to get the menu.
B. Aircraft > Select Aircraft
C. Click OK if reloading the same aircraft.
Dealing with the main 3D window (the scene you see beyond your main 2D panel, not the Virtual Cockpit)
You have two choices here. Firstly, accept the default behaviour of having the 3D window squish to about half the screen when you open the (fixed) main panel. You will be left with a black band in the lower half of the screen, beneath your main (and utility) panels. The advantage of this view is that this was as the MS team designed it. So, for example, when landing you don't have to peer over the nose too much.
Your second choice is to resize the main 3D window fully. This utilizes all of your 3 screens but has two disadvantages: a peformance hit (not significant for me); and the horizon is now below the top of the main panel dashboard. To overcome this second disadvantage we can either: edit the panel.cfg; or manually resize the window from within Flight Sim (DB93, yeah I confirmed this was possible).
Either way ....
- During flight you might like to use
# Ctrl + Q and Ctrl + Shift + Q to make ad hoc eye point rotations (eg on landing).
# Ctrl + Space to reset eye point adjustments.
- To resize the main 3D window (the scene you see beyond your 2D panel) to the fill the screen via editing
In your panel.cfg under [Default View] Change
- or -
Under [Window00] add
To compensate for the horizon dipping bellow the main panel dashboard top we can rotate your eye point downwards, that is we pitch it "down" ...
Under [VIEWS] change
VIEW_FORWARD_DIR=-1.000, 0.000, 0.000
// The first value defines the default eyepoint rotational pitch. For example a value of "5.000" pitches the eye down so that the horizon is above the main dashboard top, where you want it. Within FS pressing Ctrl + Space resets the eyepoint such that your horizon might be below the top of the dash. Looking to the side, with the hatswitch, restores the eyepoint so that the horizon is above the top of the dashboard once again.
VIEW_FORWARD_DIR=5.000, 0.000, 0.000
- To resize the main 3D window (the scene you see beyond your 2D panel) to the fill the screen manually
From within FS I just drag the edge of the window down. It might be easier to do this in windowed mode so that you can undock the main 3D window. To save this change see "The save flight method" below.
To resize the utility panels, eg Radio Stack, Throttle, etc
Use either ...
The save flight method:
A. Resize all of these panels within flight simulator until you are happy. Save this is as a flight. Give it a good name like "B738 Triple Head Configuration".
B. Optionally make this the default flight.
C. When ever you want to use this configuration at any location you:
C1. Load this flight "B738 Triple Head Configuration" (or the other Triple head configuration flights you have saved for each aircraft), only then ...
C2. Select a new airport.
The panel.cfg method:
A. In your aircraft's panel.cfg, under your utility panel eg [Window01] comment out:
// position=x
Adjust the values of window_size and window_pos. For example for my throttle panel on the B738, [Window03], I have:
window_pos=0.67,0.5 // x,y
window_size=0.10,0.5 // width, height
Where these values represent the percentages of screen. x starts on the left and goes to the right for positive values, just like the convention you learnt at school. Counter to the convention you learnt at school, y starts at the top and goes *down* for positive values.
For triple head screens we have three times the width of the screen for which FS is designed. We have the same height. Therefore we generally want to be dividing x or width values by 3. Same handy decimal equivalents are therefore:
1/3 -> 0.333
1/9 -> 0.111
1/27 -> 0.037
For example I resize my radio stack to:
window_size= 0.037,0.5 // 1/27 the width of a triple wide screen, 1/2 the height