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PostPosted: 26 Sep 2009, 18:50 

Joined: 26 Sep 2009, 17:43
Posts: 3
Hum, thanks for that great advice. It works for me almost fine.

My Problem here is,

my native TFT Resolution is 1680*1050, before using triplehead i did play at this.

my question is now:

when trying to create a display setup for this resolution i recognized, 1680*1050 is not listed as resolution. i tried the slider from left to right, its not shown there, and the next i thought was, setting up a custom resolution with nvidia driver, but i got the message that 1680*1050 60hz or 57hz failed.

any advice how i can set up or force a custom resolution ^^ or any advice of getting rid of this small problem :)
i would prefer when playing on 1 screen to use 1680*1050 instead of the now only possible 1280*800...

thnx alot

I ran into the same thing - here's how I fixed it.

First, I'm running NVidia GTX260 on XP SP3 with NVidia Driver version 190.62 and the NVidia Control Panel Version is Your dialogue screens may vary depending on what you are running. I usggest updating to the latest NVidia drivers if your OS/Hardware setup allows it.

1. Right-click the NVidia task tray icon and choose NVidia Control Panel.

2. Under the Display category, Select Change Resolution.

3. Under the “Apply the following settings” section click the “Add Resolutions…” button.

4. In the “Add Resolutions” Dialogue Box, click the “Create Custom Resolution…” button.

5. In the “Create Custom Resolution” dialogue box, set the Horizontal Pixels to 1680 (you may also need to up the refresh rate to 60 or 70 Hz depending on your monitor.)

6. Click the Test button to verify it will work (it should appear on your left monitor).

7. Assuming you can see the successful test, you will have a “Save Changes” dialogue box, click “Yes”

8. You will now be back at the “Add Resolutions” Dialogue, place check marks next to the custom resolutions you want to display and then click OK.

9. Now, at the Change Resolution Window, you should see the 5040 and 1680 resolutions under the “Custom” section.

10. Select the 1680x1050 resolution and click the Apply button.

11. Continue with the instructions posted by Paddy.

Hope that helps.

Thanks Paddy for the great instructions. I just got my TH2G two days ago and these forums are an incredible resource.



PostPosted: 17 Oct 2009, 06:25 
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Joined: 14 Oct 2009, 03:11
Posts: 1441
This thread is gold, technique in first post worked first time.

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