Widescreen Gaming Forum

Help please with Matrox Power Desk SE/GXM software....
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Author:  doyneditmas [ 02 May 2008, 11:11 ]
Post subject:  Help please with Matrox Power Desk SE/GXM software....

I have been running my Matrox Triple Digital edition for 4 months now and it works like a charm... however I have one niggling problem... the power desk SE /GXM program does not always launch on startup but it does appear in the list of processes in windows task manager. I have uninstalled an reinstalled but it sometimes does not fire up. I remember reading a post somewhere that you had to unplug the VGA cable and re connect it but that is not working this time. Does anyone have this problem... I am wondering if it is anything to do with the NVIDIA control panel......

Any ideas most appreciated.....

Hamish :roll:

Author:  scavvenjahh [ 02 May 2008, 11:29 ]
Post subject:  Help please with Matrox Power Desk SE/GXM software....

Hi there,
Could you be more specific as to your config ? (OS, graphics card...)
From what you write I assume you're using the VGA input of your TH2G Digital, is that right ?

FYI I never experienced the problem on my rig, under XP with nvidia 8800 GTXs PowerDesk-SE always launches at startup; some settings are lost from time to time, specifically the Desktop Management checkboxes but that's it.

Author:  Tyinsar [ 02 May 2008, 23:02 ]
Post subject:  Help please with Matrox Power Desk SE/GXM software....

I have two TH2G units and one of them always gives me issues (isn't detected by the system) unless I power it down in some way (unplug it or switch up my PSU) for a couple of seconds, power it back up again, then boot. This may or may not be related to your problem but it's a thing to try. Does the red LED on the unit stay on when your system is off?

Author:  -Deckard- [ 03 May 2008, 12:31 ]
Post subject:  Help please with Matrox Power Desk SE/GXM software....

I had a similar problem , checked matrox gxm problems here http://www.matrox.com/graphics/en/corpo/support/gxm/windows/th2go/digital/whatsPopular3.php .
In a nutshell I tried a different USB connection, which worked for me

Author:  MaxDarklighter [ 08 Jun 2010, 18:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: Help please with Matrox Power Desk SE/GXM software....

And can someone tell me how to chose two different res modes (for ex. 1) 5040x1050 TH; 2) 1680x1050 single) and band changeing of it to some key combination?

I remember I can do so on the old ver. of PowerDesk but on new version I can't find the way to do so... :(
PLZ help!

P.S.: When I was usinf Win XP - if I house in game options 1680x1050 res game automatically runs on single centre monitor, but now with Win7 it just streaches on all of three monitors... I really mad about it! :evil:

Author:  MaxDarklighter [ 08 Jun 2010, 18:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: Help please with Matrox Power Desk SE/GXM software....

OK just min ago I tried to lunch 1680x1050 game and... it ran on a single monitir! I really do not know what have I done! I rwally do nothing :lol:
But now there is another quastion - how can I force it to run on a centere monitor instead of 1-st (left) one?

P.S.: In PowerDesk in "Desktop Management" section "Open program windows In Display 1, cell 1.2" is already selected!
P.P.S.: PowerDesk after closing its window do not fall in tray! It just close. Is it OK? On StartUP PowerDesk is not in tray! I can;t find option in it to force it to lunch on sturtUP!

Author:  scavvenjahh [ 08 Jun 2010, 21:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: Help please with Matrox Power Desk SE/GXM software....

Check the stickies in this forum ;) :arrow: Choose which screen for single screen for gaming ...

-"Open program windows in display x, cell x.y" has nothing to do with single-screen mode. It's mostly used to force program windows to open on a selected panel. I don't use that: my "Swap active window" hotkey takes care of this if need be.

-There is no tray icon in recent versions of Powerdesk. You just right-click your desktop wallpaper and access the program from the contextual menu.

Author:  MaxDarklighter [ 10 Jun 2010, 08:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: Help please with Matrox Power Desk SE/GXM software....

THX! All done! I am happy now :mrgreen:

Cheers :cheers

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