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PostPosted: 12 Apr 2010, 02:14 

Joined: 06 Apr 2010, 02:15
Posts: 3
Hi all,
I am having some serious issues with TH2G digital edition and was hoping I could get some help.

Issue #1: DVI cables do not work at all using TG2G. They work when directly connected to GPU, but not to TG2G. I connected Matrox a couple years ago about the issue and they offered zero help. They said they have trouble working with "Acer" monitors. WHAT? He even remotely controlled my computer and couldn't help. So for the past couple years I have been using VGA cables and only getting 3840x1024 and waiting for a firmware update. Firmware has been updated, but still no luck. Using Powerdesk 2.06 released 11/4/09, firmware 6.56 March 2010, NVIDIA drivers 197.13 (196.12 previously) and all the other up to date drivers for my rig for windows 7 x64. I get the green light on TH2G using the DVI cables, but "input not support" on my monitors. Tried all resolutions, configurations, etc. and no luck.

Issue #2: Setting up the GXM, Monitor 2 is never recognized. I am displaying 3 screens, but monitor 2 never shows up. Even when I swap the cables, #2 never shows. I have done a complete clean install of EVERYTHING on my computer numerous times and still nothing. When I plug the dual-link DVI from the TH2G to the GPU, it will only work when it is is connected to one of the four DVI ports on my GPU's. The light is green on the TH2G, but nothing is displayed until it is connected to the one slot that works. When I try to adjust settings in powerdesk, it will sometimes just stop working. Have unistalled and re-installed everything. On the powerdesk muti-display setup page, I show one monitor at 3840x1024. There is an unused monitor #2 that I cannot delete and in my Nvidia control panel under the set up multiple displays tab, I have two boxes that say Matrox Digital Display and one that says VGA monitor. I uncheck the vga monitor and re-attempt to set up the gxm and that monitor immediately re-appears on the nvidia control panel and the gxm setup cannot detect monitor 2 again. The 3 screens are still working and the powerdesk will identify all 3 monitors, but the gxm will not.

Had a buddy who is very computer saavy help me for 8 hours today and still nothing.

Any help is greatly appreciated and sorry for the dissertation...


PostPosted: 12 Apr 2010, 04:44 
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Joined: 13 Oct 2003, 05:00
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I would have thought an RMA on the unit.

PostPosted: 12 Apr 2010, 12:07 
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Joined: 06 Nov 2008, 01:08
Posts: 1898
Hi all,
They said they have trouble working with "Acer" monitors.

Mmm, in fact it seems your monitors (from sig, Acer x193w+) are in the "problem list", they wont run at 5040x1050 57Hz.

Problem models:
   Acer AL2216W  (Although tested OK @ 1680x1050@57hz)
   Acer B223w (3x 1680 results in 3x 1280)
   Acer H243Hb Mid
   Acer P241wb
   Acer P223W (VGA)
   Acer V223W (3x 1680 results in 3x 1280)
   Acer x193w+

Check the list in this thread :

Monitors that will and won't run at 5040x1050 @ 57hz

PostPosted: 12 Apr 2010, 19:26 

Joined: 06 Apr 2010, 02:15
Posts: 3
Thanks for the info. With that being said, shouldn't I still be able to use my DVI cables and keep my current resolution at 3840x1024? I should have RMA the unit when I first got it, but after countless hours spent with Matrox over the phone and through emails back in 2008, I thought (at the time) that this was normal and there would be an update sometime soon. Noob thing to do, I guess. I still have zero idea why my gxm setup won't pickup my second monitor even though I am running all 3 screens right now. Thanks for the help!!!

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