Widescreen Gaming Forum

How do you know a Monitor can do 57hz?
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Author:  Chris G [ 14 Nov 2008, 17:51 ]
Post subject:  How do you know a Monitor can do 57hz?

I have a Dell 2005FPW 20".

I created a custom monitor config that was 57hz. The monitor seems fine. Does that mean my monitor can run at 57hz? Is there something I should be looking for? Am I doing any damage to my monitor by running it at the rate? And, does anyone have 3 of these going at 5040 x 1050?


Author:  mattsimis [ 14 Nov 2008, 19:18 ]
Post subject:  How do you know a Monitor can do 57hz?

Sounds fine.

DVI signals can really only be one of the following: work fine or are working with some "digital" style distortion or dont display anything.

Running an analog display (ie CRT) outside spec could mean degradation of life (ie running a 1600x1200 85hz max res CRT at 100hz for months) and eventual death.

If it was that iffy, Matrox wouldn't implement support for it at all due to possible legal issues!

Author:  TCR [ 15 Nov 2008, 22:42 ]
Post subject:  How do you know a Monitor can do 57hz?

Hey guys,

I am currently gathering pieces for my new pc.

I have just purchased 3 Viewsonic VX2240w moniotrs to use with my digital TH2Go, hoping that they will run 5040x1050 @ 57Hz.

I have one of the monitors currently hooked up to my old pc via the DVI connection running 1680x1050. I just wondered if there is anyway I can test to see if they will run this resolution at 57Hz? I've been through the monitor menu but can't seem to find anything that will allow me to manually change the resolution.


Author:  mattsimis [ 15 Nov 2008, 22:44 ]
Post subject:  How do you know a Monitor can do 57hz?

Hey guys,

I am currently gathering pieces for my new pc.

I have just purchased 3 Viewsonic VX2240w moniotrs to use with my digital TH2Go, hoping that they will run 5040x1050 @ 57Hz.

I have one of the monitors currently hooked up to my old pc via the D-Sub connection running 1680x1050. I just wondered if there is anyway I can test to see if they will run this resolution at 57Hz? I've been through the monitor menu but can't seem to find anything that will allow me to manually change the resolution.


Its not a monitor setting, you would set it in either the nVidia control panel (custom resolution) or Powerstrip if you have an ATI card.

Author:  TCR [ 15 Nov 2008, 23:05 ]
Post subject:  How do you know a Monitor can do 57hz?

[quote]Hey guys,

I am currently gathering pieces for my new pc.

I have just purchased 3 Viewsonic VX2240w moniotrs to use with my digital TH2Go, hoping that they will run 5040x1050 @ 57Hz.

I have one of the monitors currently hooked up to my old pc via the D-Sub connection running 1680x1050. I just wondered if there is anyway I can test to see if they will run this resolution at 57Hz? I've been through the monitor menu but can't seem to find anything that will allow me to manually change the resolution.


Its not a monitor setting, you would set it in either the nVidia control panel (custom resolution) or Powerstrip if you have an ATI card.

Well don't I feel stupid :oops:

Thanks, I'm upgrading from a P4 1.6 with 17"CRT to a new PC with 3/22" widescreens and TH2Go, so all this is new to me :D

Author:  [email protected] [ 15 Nov 2008, 23:58 ]
Post subject:  How do you know a Monitor can do 57hz?

Dude don't worry, we all make mistakes, you seem well on your way to greatness.

Author:  tama [ 18 Nov 2008, 11:10 ]
Post subject:  How do you know a Monitor can do 57hz?

Chris, I have 3 2005FPW too. Can you tell me how have you made that custom monitor config? It works?

Author:  Chris G [ 05 Dec 2008, 16:47 ]
Post subject:  How do you know a Monitor can do 57hz?

Chris, I have 3 2005FPW too. Can you tell me how have you made that custom monitor config? It works?

If you have a nvidia gfx card, go into the nvidia control panel, then click on Displays, then manage custom resolutions. Then follow the prompts from there.

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