Hi, inspired by a new WSGF member who said he/she uses 4:3|16:10|4:3 and didn't mind the scaling on the side monitors, can anyone who does use this, or who can set it up take some shots of it so we can all see?
I mean if the scaling on the 4:3 on both sidesa aren't to bad there may be those of us interested in just doing it that way as it is a cheaper option and ensures that we always have wide solution if we can't use the TH2G.
If you have one of these 4:3 screens, just run a 16:10 image at say 1680x1050 through it and see if you are happy enough with the results.
EDIT: The other member you mentioned is using SoftTH which explicitly supports different resolutions on the side screens. TH2G does not, hence my above suggestion.