Widescreen Gaming Forum

Will this look any good 4:3|16:10|4:3
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Author:  JohnnyWakko [ 27 Nov 2008, 23:17 ]
Post subject:  Will this look any good 4:3|16:10|4:3

Hi, inspired by a new WSGF member who said he/she uses 4:3|16:10|4:3 and didn't mind the scaling on the side monitors, can anyone who does use this, or who can set it up take some shots of it so we can all see?

I mean if the scaling on the 4:3 on both sidesa aren't to bad there may be those of us interested in just doing it that way as it is a cheaper option and ensures that we always have wide solution if we can't use the TH2G.

Author:  Mud [ 27 Nov 2008, 23:36 ]
Post subject:  Will this look any good 4:3|16:10|4:3

You'll quickly run into problems with what resolutions the screens can all actually use...especially if you want a 16:10 aspect resolution on the centre screen.

Author:  djib [ 27 Nov 2008, 23:45 ]
Post subject:  Will this look any good 4:3|16:10|4:3


I have a 4:3 and two 5:4 and it looks all right...

What you want to do is a lot wider but it ***might*** look all right since there is a lot of distortion on the side screens anyway. I personally don't really look at the side screens : they are just here to create a better atmosphere.

The problem though, it that the three screens will have to display the same resolution !!! That's very important. You need to find a resolution that you 3 screens can display (1280*1024 ideally) and that the TH2Go can triple.

Moreover, the screens should have the same height: my two side screen are 19" and the middle one is a 20". It turns out, that since they've got a different aspect, they have almost the same height (less than a 0.5cm difference). You must take that into account as well!

Eventually, maybe there is a built-in check in the TH2Go software preventing 16:10 and 4:3 mix :S

I could borrow a widescreen and try what you want to do here at home... but for now I prefer to wait and see other people's opinion :D

Author:  mattsimis [ 27 Nov 2008, 23:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: Will this look any good 4:3|16:10|4:3

Hi, inspired by a new WSGF member who said he/she uses 4:3|16:10|4:3 and didn't mind the scaling on the side monitors, can anyone who does use this, or who can set it up take some shots of it so we can all see?

I mean if the scaling on the 4:3 on both sidesa aren't to bad there may be those of us interested in just doing it that way as it is a cheaper option and ensures that we always have wide solution if we can't use the TH2G.

If you have one of these 4:3 screens, just run a 16:10 image at say 1680x1050 through it and see if you are happy enough with the results.

EDIT: The other member you mentioned is using SoftTH which explicitly supports different resolutions on the side screens. TH2G does not, hence my above suggestion.

Author:  Yui [ 01 Dec 2008, 05:21 ]
Post subject:  rply

As much as possible refrain from using different monitor sizes on the triplehead2go. I've tried it before and returned the monitors to the store.

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