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PostPosted: 12 Feb 2009, 14:06 

Joined: 24 Feb 2007, 22:41
Posts: 19
So, I've been reading and reading on this forum, and can't seem to find help with what I'm experiencing.

Here's what Ive got:

gtx295, using nvidia 181.22 (newest currently available)
core 2 e6700 @3.0
Dell 2408 (x1)
Acer 243wbd (x2)
digital triple head to go

I bought the Acers because they werent $600 each like the dell that I already had, and they support 55-60hz and I know it doesn't always translate from one => three. I tested each independently, and they all run 1680x1050@57, so at least initially it's a good thought.

Ive gone through the paces and made sure my display reads "matrox vga" in device manager. I basically uninstalled everything, then, put the new vga drivers in, then the gxm.

Ok, when I go to nvidia custom resolution, I find the three wide settings that the gxm installed, following another post, i deleted all of these, and set my own. When I run 3x1440x900, it runs flawless of course. When I run 3x1680x1050, the screens flash and then come back, but I'm on a zoomed desktop. If you move the mouse down, it will scroll the viewable area to the taskbar, and same with left and right, so the desktop is 5040x1050, but my viewable is not, its like looking through a little window of your desktop that you can move around with your mouse. Any way to fix this and make the display true 1680x1050? This happens no matter what the Hz is, I've tried 55-60 in 1Hz increments, and all produce the same effect except at 55 it doesn't work at all.

are the 181.22 drivers tested yet? i know they are new, or is there another driver i should put in?

Oh, and also, It pretty much does the same thing no matter where I set the rez at, be it in nvidia panel or in gxm, or windows, and I've tried all the display scaling options to no avail.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


PostPosted: 12 Feb 2009, 23:00 
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Joined: 29 Jul 2007, 05:24
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If you are using vista you will have all sorts of trouble getting 5040x1050, try the BETA PD-SE from here. You could use older drivers but they are from before your GPU even came out so the BETA is the best way to get it working in vista. If you have a look around you will see maybe a dozen threads on this with various fixes, setting it as a custom res works for some (not me!)

Dipping bags at Mach1.9

PostPosted: 13 Feb 2009, 02:54 

Joined: 24 Feb 2007, 22:41
Posts: 19
oh sorry, its winxp 32bit, i forgot that bit! I just havent seen another problem quite like this.

PostPosted: 13 Feb 2009, 05:05 
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Joined: 29 Jul 2007, 05:24
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For XP just use the GXM wizard. All the problems peole are having are with the latest VISTA (+++spit+++) drivers.
So just install the latest 182.05 drivers (restart) run the GXM set up wizard (from the icon in your task bar) selecting 'install wide modes', triple screen set up and 5040 (and a restart) and you are off an running.
You shouldn't have to touch custom res at all, no one else has had any problems with XP. All the other problems are vista...

...or have you tried this and and a normal install and wizard doesn't work?

Dipping bags at Mach1.9

PostPosted: 13 Feb 2009, 13:37 

Joined: 24 Feb 2007, 22:41
Posts: 19
no, i haven't tried 182.05 drivers, i went directly to nvidias site after getting the 295 card and got the latest, which are 181.22 i believe. I will try this and report back this afternoon.

PostPosted: 15 Feb 2009, 01:54 

Joined: 24 Feb 2007, 22:41
Posts: 19
Ok, so I uninstalled my vid drivers and gxm, installed the 182.05 new beta's and then the new gxm, and its doing exactly the same thing. I'm not sure where to go at this point.

PostPosted: 15 Feb 2009, 02:02 
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Joined: 29 Jul 2007, 05:24
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Just confirm you have installed the latest, downloaded from Matrox, GXM?

And you have run the wizard from the PD-SE software?

Dipping bags at Mach1.9

PostPosted: 18 Feb 2009, 19:52 

Joined: 24 Feb 2007, 22:41
Posts: 19
Yes, i have recently installed the gxm suite and ran the wizard and it does the same thing.

As an update, after fiddling with lots of settings, I've found that if I switch the color depth to 16bit from 32bit, and then choose 5040x1050, all three screens come back on the zoomed interface, and you can only view a portion of the "rendered" 5040x1050 desktop. If you move the mouse around it will scroll the viewable area so you can see the task bar etc. And when i put it back on 32bit, the dell comes up with a perfect picture, and the Acer's stay the same, indicating to me that the new monitors don't support that color depth at these resolutions. I just don't know why they work individually at 1680x1050x32@57 but not in an array.

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