Widescreen Gaming Forum

5040x1050 for gaming but 6129x1152 for desktop.
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Author:  malibooroo [ 09 Mar 2009, 14:48 ]
Post subject:  5040x1050 for gaming but 6129x1152 for desktop.

Jus wondering will this work? I Currently have a dell [2007fp + 2407wfp + 2007fp] but i'm planning on selling them all for 3x Dell SP2309W. The res of these are 2043x1152. Obviously this is too high for the TH2G, but what I'm wondering is could I hook up all the monitors to my pc via dvi for everyday use on the desktop, and use dvi-HDMI cables for the triple head. (This is just because I dont want to have to be plugging dvi cables in and out of different places all the time...) I have 4 DVI ports on my graphics cards do this isn't a problem on that side of things, but will it work, i dont have much experience with this atm, jus messed around with softth for a bit, some success some total failures and cant use SLI...

Also how well does TH2G look scaled down?

Hope you can understand what I'm saying ;)

Author:  neosin [ 09 Mar 2009, 17:00 ]
Post subject:  5040x1050 for gaming but 6129x1152 for desktop.

that's a weird ass res for a monitor lol it's almost 2:1 o_0

i don't suggest u get it :P becuase it's gonna cause u pain in the future

just get 3 x24 dells lik i have :) with native res at 1920x1200 and scale down to 1650 x1050. Works great :)

Author:  mattsimis [ 09 Mar 2009, 20:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: 5040x1050 for gaming but 6129x1152 for desktop.

Also how well does TH2G look scaled down?

TH2G doesnt do any up or downscaling, your monitor does when its not running at its native res.

Author:  malibooroo [ 09 Mar 2009, 20:55 ]
Post subject:  5040x1050 for gaming but 6129x1152 for desktop.

that's a weird ass res for a monitor lol it's almost 2:1 o_0

i don't suggest u get it :P becuase it's gonna cause u pain in the future

just get 3 x24 dells lik i have :) with native res at 1920x1200 and scale down to 1650 x1050. Works great :)

Its 16:9 same as 1920x1080 jus slightly high res ;)

Do u use 1650x1050 all the time? cause when I set my dell 24" @ that res its fine for gaming but its not nice @ all for normal use, jus doesn't look good...

Author:  malibooroo [ 09 Mar 2009, 22:19 ]
Post subject:  5040x1050 for gaming but 6129x1152 for desktop.


Thats the monitor ;)

Author:  mattsimis [ 09 Mar 2009, 23:25 ]
Post subject:  5040x1050 for gaming but 6129x1152 for desktop.

Wow, with a res that high I likely downscales quite well. Is the contrast noticably better than an average "good" LCD. 80k to 1 seems insane!

Author:  malibooroo [ 09 Mar 2009, 23:58 ]
Post subject:  5040x1050 for gaming but 6129x1152 for desktop.

Seems pretty high alright... looking forward to seeing it! :)

Does the computer treat 3 monitors on TH2G as 1 monitor?

Author:  mattsimis [ 10 Mar 2009, 00:09 ]
Post subject:  5040x1050 for gaming but 6129x1152 for desktop.

Seems pretty high alright... looking forward to seeing it! :)

Does the computer treat 3 monitors on TH2G as 1 monitor?

Yes, one wide monitor. Assuming you have an nVidia card the max you will be able to use is 5040 wide in Triplehead. One DVI from the Graphics card to TH2G to 3x DVI monitors.

Author:  malibooroo [ 10 Mar 2009, 01:02 ]
Post subject:  5040x1050 for gaming but 6129x1152 for desktop.

So assuming I use DVI to connect each of my monitors, and tuse the last DVI port to connect the TH2G, Then use DVI to HDMI cables from the TH2G to each of the monitors. I will be able to deactivate the 3 monitors and activate the TH2G in the nVidia control panel without messing with any cables? If this doesn't work I would rather go for 3 1680x1050 22" than not be able to use the native res of the 23"....

Author:  malibooroo [ 14 Mar 2009, 20:25 ]
Post subject:  5040x1050 for gaming but 6129x1152 for desktop.

Any1 tried this before?

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