Widescreen Gaming Forum

Removing LCD monitor from housing, is it electrified????
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Author:  ZL1 [ 07 Aug 2009, 03:24 ]
Post subject:  Removing LCD monitor from housing, is it electrified????

I have 3 dell monitors and I figured I can get them alot closer together if I just completely remove them from their plastic housings and touch them right together. I am wondering if you can touch the monitors now, or touch them together? Are their metal bodies and frames electrified? Im sure someone has removed the plastic housing from their lcd screens.

Author:  fizzer [ 10 Aug 2009, 00:06 ]
Post subject:  Removing LCD monitor from housing, is it electrified????

Mines touch but mine aren't dells...

But having worked in the electronic industry for sometime it's a safe (if not definite) bet that the only thing the metal casing will do is ground.

Be soooo against sooo many health and safety regulations to allow conductive current in an exposed casing like that. Have a look at where the D-sub goes. It's housing will be directly connected to the casing in some way.

Usual disclaimer.. If you do remove and spontaneously combust it ain't my fault...


Author:  fizzer [ 10 Aug 2009, 00:11 ]
Post subject:  Removing LCD monitor from housing, is it electrified????

Forgot to mention.. Chances are you can't remove the whole dezel as it usually is the only thing holding the screens in...

I removed the edges that touch on mine... It did make a difference of about 6mm. Biggest difference was painting MATT black instead of the silver..

Author:  ZL1 [ 10 Aug 2009, 21:07 ]
Post subject:  Removing LCD monitor from housing, is it electrified????

Ya I kinda figured exactly what you said, I didn't think It could possibly be live. yea I might just cut both sides off one and 1 side off the other 2. But I am going to have to build a special stand to mount them over my cockpit anyway,

Author:  Gunja [ 08 Sep 2009, 13:32 ]
Post subject:  Removing LCD monitor from housing, is it electrified????

I might just cut both sides off one and 1 side off the other 2.

Has anyone done this?
Some pics of that kind of thing would be great.

Author:  carolin [ 11 Sep 2009, 08:23 ]
Post subject:  Removing LCD monitor from housing, is it electrified????

How do I network an lcd monitor to my laptop? I just got this lcd monitor so I could network it to my laptop. By network, I mean having the laptop screen like it usually is but have the lcd screen so that its another screen so I can put other windows on there. I know how to connect them so they are the same exact screen but thats not what i want. I want to know how to use the laptop screens like normal and the lcd like another seperate screnn. I hope you can understand what I am saying. Thanks for you help!


Author:  whismerhill [ 11 Sep 2009, 10:49 ]
Post subject:  Removing LCD monitor from housing, is it electrified????

How do I network an lcd monitor to my laptop? I just got this lcd monitor so I could network it to my laptop. By network, I mean having the laptop screen like it usually is but have the lcd screen so that its another screen so I can put other windows on there. I know how to connect them so they are the same exact screen but thats not what i want. I want to know how to use the laptop screens like normal and the lcd like another seperate screnn. I hope you can understand what I am saying. Thanks for you help!

you should make a new topic, this has absolutely nothing to do with this topic title :
that is : "Removing LCD monitor from housing, is it electrified????"

Author:  tabicasa [ 24 Oct 2010, 08:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Removing LCD monitor from housing, is it electrified????

Can you use the lcd monitor to view your shot on a Canon 5d? As oppossed to using the viewfinder? Is there a setting I have to change to turn the lcd monitor on while shooting?

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