Widescreen Gaming Forum

Acer G24 & Triplehead2go vs eyefinity
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Author:  matt73 [ 09 Dec 2010, 18:02 ]
Post subject:  Acer G24 & Triplehead2go vs eyefinity

I have 3 acer G24 monitors (1920 x 1200) @ 60Hz/ea hooked up to a matrox triplehead2go digital edition and I can only get a max resolution of 3840 X 1024. I also have tried these 3 monitors with eyefinity set-up and I can get a max resolution of 5740 x 1200? Can someone help me as to why I cant seem to get this with my th2go set-up...? The reason I ask is because I have RMA'd my busted ATI sapphire 5970, therfore I cant use eyefinity anymore and I have to revert back to my old set-up, the th2go. Thank-you! :)

Author:  suiken_2mieu [ 10 Dec 2010, 17:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: Acer G24 & Triplehead2go vs eyefinity

5000 series card (and probably 6000 series cards) can only use a max resolution of 3849x1024. I don't know why, but that's what happened.

Author:  fuzioninfinity [ 11 Dec 2010, 05:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: Acer G24 & Triplehead2go vs eyefinity

Well, If I remember correctly (and I'm fairly sure that I do.. that box was a quite a nightmare for me at times) the Matrox Triplehead2Go Digital Edition could do no more than [email protected], was unable to do DX10/11 (@5040x1050), and it was a battle just to get 5040x1050 to work.

This is due to the bandwidth limitations on a single DVI output or something along those lines, and as such, you will never be able to do 5740x1200 with the Triplehead2Go.

What suiken_2mieu is referring to may also be true, but even if you were able to get past 3849x1024, you wouldn't be able to do more than 5040x1050, with the TH2Go Digital Edition.

So, unless you want to downsize your monitors, or play at a lower than native resolution, you need to do either SoftTH, Eyefinity, or Nvidia Surround to achieve such high resolutions.

Hopefully you get that RMA'd card back soon! :doh

Good luck mate..

Author:  matt73 [ 14 Dec 2010, 18:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: Acer G24 & Triplehead2go vs eyefinity

Thanks! I figured it was something to do with that. Well I Got my sapphire 5790 replacement card back from sappire (Althon Inc) within 5 days of sending the broken one back. :) But it seems to crash (pc locks up)every time I fire up a game, plus it was making some sort of snapping noises periodically from inside the card during and after it was running.? Ive tried every driver from 10.4-10.11, plus we even updated the bios to what a sappire tech told me to and still nothing. :( Anyway, now they are sending me another replacement.. so for now i managed to get my hands on a visiontek 5850 that Im running @ 5760 x 1200 on low vid settings, getting around 35-40 fps on arma2 OA. So I will selling the triplehead2go i quess.

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