Widescreen Gaming Forum

BenQ G2420HDBL monitor with th2go - anyone have it?
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Author:  Cygnus [ 14 Jan 2012, 02:07 ]
Post subject:  BenQ G2420HDBL monitor with th2go - anyone have it?

Thinking of purchasing 3 BenQ G2420HDBL LCD LED 24" DVI monitors for my th2go digital.

The g2420hd model is stated to do 57hz in the monitor list so I suppose this model will too, but I would like to be sure.

Anyone have this model on a th2go setup?

If so:

Can it produce 5040x1050 @ 57HZ?
What about 59hz?
Are you happy with the picture quality and response time [5ms on this model]?
Would you recommend it?


Author:  Thunderbolt300 [ 17 Jan 2012, 17:06 ]
Post subject:  Wasn't able to dig up

Wasn't able to dig up anything specifically on that model, but I will offer up my experience with BenQ so you have at least something to go off of.

I use 3x BenQ FP202W V3 20-inch displays with a Matrox TH2G. The displays do both 57/59 refresh rates and I haven't had any complaints about them, either in regards to quality or response. I did buy them refurbished and had to RMA 2 of the 3 displays since DVI wasn't working correctly, so I will advise caution if you are not buying them new. I have used BenQ for a long time even before moving into triple-display gaming. Their stuff is rock-solid.

About all I got, sadly. Digging around on Google didn't yield up much specifically on that display you're looking at.

Author:  Cygnus [ 25 Jan 2012, 00:43 ]
Post subject:  Thanks very much for your

Thanks very much for your answer.

I've ordered at what is a good price in the UK [$180 each equivalent] :)

Author:  suiken_2mieu [ 25 Jan 2012, 05:03 ]
Post subject:  Even if 57Hz is a bust, you

Even if 57Hz is a bust, you should be able to get it to run at 59Hz without a hitch.

Author:  Cygnus [ 12 Feb 2012, 02:30 ]
Post subject:  I have a BenQ G2420HDBL LCD

I have a BenQ G2420HDBL LCD LED 24" DVI monitor in my possession now. For anyone who'd like to know:

Tested & Working:

1680 x 1050 x 32bit - 57 hz

1920 x 1080 x 32bit - 50 hz

59hz would not work, but perhaps this is my drivers etc.

I'll have 3 of them in a few days and will be able to report on the surround resolutions and refresh rates for TH2GO Digital.

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