Widescreen Gaming Forum

[-noun] Web community dedicated to ensuring PC games run properly on your tablet, netbook, personal computer, HDTV and multi-monitor gaming rig.
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PostPosted: 05 May 2017, 10:41 

Joined: 19 Mar 2004, 15:19
Posts: 298
Out of projectors for 4 years, now shocked by the low prices for decent 1080p setups Ive bought 2 Sanyo PLV Z700's and got thinking of this:

- Buy 2 more, mount 4 of them vertically/sideways for a 1920 high image x approx 3915 wide (after 3x ~12.5% blending overlap removed). Gives nearly 4k pixel resolution and a nice 1920 vertical height as 1080 is just too low for my liking.
- Build a moderate curved screen from acrylic (I did this before tho it was flat).
- Warp and edge blend the image with something like Nthuism. Raw aspect is an interesting 204:1 - https://www.digitalrebellion.com/webapp ... res_h=1920

- Does Nthuism (or something else) support:
  • 4x Portrait modes, like this, driven from GTX1080 (or AMD Vega later)? If not, then this is kinda screwed.
  • Desktop view, not just 3d apps so I could somehow input Consoles/Netflix box etc into PC and use on warpped screen?
- I'm not visualizing a very large screen with my current living situation, so overall curve and dimensions wont be crazy impressive. Is there a guideline, min/max limit to the curve that should be attempted from my base resolution/aspect ratio?
- Any tips/guidelines on the angles the projectors, especially the outer two should be pitched at? I figure this portrait setup maybe a little harder to setup as its stacking on the "narrow" side not the wide side of the projected image?

[GTX1080 - 4.48GHz 4690k - planning projector mayhem]


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