[quote]11.10 WHQL has better performance than ver3. The simple workaround to the no icon is to play in windowed mode (may drop fps) and edit GstRender.ScreenSafeAreaWidth 1.000000 to 0.4000000
I may give it a try... but given AMD's track record, they may release a preview version soon anyway. So I'll wait 'till mid-November to see if they actually release it.
Playing in windowed mode is not an option for me given my current configuration. Hacking the config file is not a real fix for everyone either. This is is an error on DICE's part and I'd rather have them fix it properly than to be hacking my config file. I've been using a workaround on BC2 for nearly a friggin' year. I do not want to have to do it just to play the game that has been touted as Eyefinity/Surround-ready. DICE acknowledges the problem. That much we know. All we have to do is try to ride it out until they release a fix for it.
Ya don't bother. It has an old openGL and Rage is totally screwed up..AGAIN grrrr