stangflyer wrote:
Amon Amarth wrote:
Anyone noticed the extra brightness when in Surround/Eyefinity? It goes away on single monitor, but it seems the lighting scales with resolution/aspect ratio (like some other games I've noticed), and doesn't look right in Surround. Anyone come up with a way to fix it?
Just got the game a month ago. I have only played it in surround at 7680x1440. I played thru the single player and really like it. Set up a game between a friend and I and in some maps it was very bright. I asked my friend if his was bright on his 2560x1440 monitor and I asked him to take a screen shot. I did so also.. Mine was way brighter. To the point where you lose detail in the presentation.
Yeah, I had to actually turn down the contrast on my monitors just to get through the horrible sun glare. Obviously looks nothing like that on a single monitor resolution, but you only get that problem in Surround.